Virginia Tech ALCE (@vt_alce) 's Twitter Profile
Virginia Tech ALCE


Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education at Virginia Tech - Developing Leaders, Teaching the Future, Cultivating Change. email: [email protected]

ID: 785480125160656896

link calendar_today10-10-2016 14:00:30

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Curt Friedel FRSA (@curtfriedel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks Rebekah Slabach for your inspiring welcome and great advice! We're proud of you! And, yes, Welcome Home, Hokies! #Hokies #VirginiaTech #VT22… Virginia Tech ALCE

Virginia Tech CALS (@vtcals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The turkeys "pardoned" by the president are coming to VT! Come out to meet & have your pics taken with the two newest members of Hokie Nation, Nov. 23 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., Livestock Judging Pavilion, 445 Plantation Road, Blacksburg, VA #virginiatech #presidentialturkeys

Virginia Tech ALCE (@vt_alce) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Visit us in Litton Reaves Friday, Nov 16th from 4 - 7 pm on the second floor for our ALCE Open House! Come by and enjoy tailgating snacks, view our FFA & Ag Ed History Display, check out our faculty & student project posters, and visit with our ALCE family! #100years #vtalce

Visit us in Litton Reaves Friday, Nov 16th from 4 - 7 pm on the second floor for our ALCE Open House! Come by and enjoy tailgating snacks, view our FFA & Ag Ed History Display, check out our faculty & student project posters, and visit with our ALCE family! #100years #vtalce
Tom Archibald (@tgarchibald) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yesterday Virginia Tech ALCE was in #Senegal for the Jeunesse en Agriculture steering committee on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (#TVET). We’re honored to work will such a great group of Senegalese TVET leaders! Virginia Tech CALS

Virginia Tech School of Animal Sciences (@vtanimalscience) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#TBT to the heifer w/ the most Hokie spirit ever! She was born 13 years ago on the farm of one of our wonderful alumni families. Thx to Jimmy Huffard for sharing these photos w/ us years ago! The Hokie cow is still alive & well, she is now owned by the Huffard's neighbors.

#TBT to the heifer w/ the most Hokie spirit ever! She was born 13 years ago on the farm of one of our wonderful alumni families.  
Thx to Jimmy Huffard for sharing these photos w/ us years ago! The Hokie cow is still alive & well, she is now owned by the Huffard's neighbors.
Kim Niewolny (@kimniewolny) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Michael Twitty will be speaking about "Identity, Food History, and Culinary Justice" at Virginia Tech this week, March 16th.

Michael Twitty will be speaking about "Identity, Food History, and Culinary Justice" at Virginia Tech this week, March 16th.
Virginia Tech ALCE (@vt_alce) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next week we are having our Open House! Come on over and check us out to see how we can help you as a professional in agriculture! #ALCE

Next week we are having our Open House! Come on over and check us out to see how we can help you as a professional in agriculture! #ALCE