Ascension Providence | MSU Vascular Surgery (@vsprovidence) 's Twitter Profile
Ascension Providence | MSU Vascular Surgery


Integrated (0+5) Vascular Surgery Residency Program at Ascension Providence Hospital | Michigan State University College of Human Medicine | #VascSurg

ID: 1703179179498356736

calendar_today16-09-2023 22:49:07

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101 Following

VESurgery (@vesurgery) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 4th Annual VESurgery Virtual Residency Fair will be held on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 6:00pm CST. Last year's event featured 40 programs with 138 applicants! We look forward to a similar level of participation and engagement this year! Sign up today!

The 4th Annual <a href="/VESurgery/">VESurgery</a> Virtual Residency Fair will be held on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 6:00pm CST. Last year's event featured 40 programs with 138 applicants! We look forward to a similar level of participation and engagement this year!  

Sign up today!
Lakshman Swamy ( (@laxswamy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I often teach the a few core principles of what makes ICU decision making different from treating what appears to be similar problems on the med-surg floors. Here are a few principles I emphasize, in no particular order...🧵

UMassVascular (@umassvascsurg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why vascular surgery? Head to toe. Literally. All this week: temporal artery biopsy, carotid endarterectomy, TCAR, tunneled catheter, TEVAR, av fistula, av graft, FEVAR, aortobifem, IVC filter, femoral endart, SFA pta/stent, tibial bypass, toe amputation…best job in the world.

URMCvascularsurg (@urvascularsurg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our intern Mu’ath enjoying his cardiac rotation with free food, private hangers, and great company will going on his first heart procurement

Our intern Mu’ath enjoying his cardiac rotation with free food, private hangers, and great company will going on his first heart procurement
Eastern Vascular Society (@vascularevs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Get connected with an expert, who cares about your future! The deadline to apply for the EVS Mentorship Program is January 25th. APPLY NOW and find more information at…

Get connected with an expert, who cares about your future! The deadline to apply for the EVS Mentorship Program is January 25th. 

APPLY NOW and find more information at…
Carlos Timaran (@ch_timaran) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TAAA with arch involvement and previous aorto bi-femoral bypass (left limb occluded): First stage Endovascular total arch repair with physician-modified endograft with a TEVAR extension. Scheduled for a second stage FEVAR.

Ricardo Bernardo da Silva (@vasculonr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This more purple color in the internal carotid artery right after the end of the stenosis makes us very excited about the end point!!!

This more purple color in the internal carotid artery right after the end of the stenosis  makes us very excited about the end point!!!
Ascension Providence | MSU Vascular Surgery (@vsprovidence) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are thrilled to welcome Jacob Presto from Central Michigan University to our integrated vascular surgery residency program!! 🎉🎉🎉 #VascularSurgery #VascularMatch24

We are thrilled to welcome Jacob Presto from Central Michigan University to our integrated vascular surgery residency program!! 🎉🎉🎉 #VascularSurgery #VascularMatch24
USC Vascular Surgery (@usc_vascular) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Technical paper by Sukgu Han, Pyun, and Gustavo Oderich on total femoral approaches for mutivessel endo TAAA repairs. #aortaed --- JVS-Cases Innovations and Techniques #thoracoabdominal #aortic #aneurysm…

Mohamed Eltemamy (@moeltemamy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A GAME CHANGER! First SP robotic Extraperitoneal Kidney transplant in a pediatric patient using a Pfannensteil incision. Used papaverine and sutured the foley to the stent American Journal of Transplantation ASTS Cleveland Clinic Urology #Robotics #Transplant #kidneytransplant #kidney #MedTwitter