Vanessa Scarf (@vscarf) 's Twitter Profile
Vanessa Scarf


ID: 295130314

calendar_today08-05-2011 12:30:55

56 Tweet


104 Following

Vanessa Scarf (@vscarf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our paper on the intricate process of Creating the first national linked dataset on perinatal and maternal o...…

@womenandbirth (@womenandbirth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thursday's abstract - The cost of vaginal birth at home, in a birth centre or in a hospital setting in New South Wales: A micro-costing study (my COI is I am a co-author) Vanessa Scarf Hannah Dahlen AM maralyn foureur Caroline Homer and team UTS Health CHERE UTS…

Emma Spillane 🌈 (@midwifespillane) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meta-analysis from The Lancet of half a million mothers booked for #homebirth found: 40% <needed CS; 50% <likely to have instrumental; 55% <likely to have episiotomy; 40% <likely to have 3rd/4th degree tear; 75% <likely to have infection even if they gave birth in hospital. Wow!

Vanessa Scarf (@vscarf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our paper is out-costing birth at home, in a birth centre or in hospital. Thanks to ⁦Caroline Homer⁩, ⁦Hannah Dahlen AM,⁩ Rosalie Viney, Serena Yu, Seong Cheah, ⁦Prof David Sibbritt⁩, and Sally Tracy.…

Bec Coddington (@bec_coddington) 's Twitter Profile Photo… Our latest publication is now in press describing how fetal monitoring technology in the birth space impacts on midwives' ways of working and their capacity to be woman-centred Ass Prof Deborah Fox Vanessa Scarf

Hannah Dahlen AM (@hannahdahlen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Would love some more 🇦🇺 midwives to respond to our BITTOC 2021 survey. We know it is tough out there and you are so busy 🙏🏽💗thanks for all you are doing 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Are you an Australian midwife providing maternity care services in Australia…

Would love some more 🇦🇺 midwives to respond to our BITTOC 2021 survey. We know it is tough out there and you are so busy 🙏🏽💗thanks for all you are doing 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Are you an Australian midwife providing maternity care services in Australia…
Caroline Homer (@carolinehomer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating all the amazing midwives across the world today - Thank you for everything you do - walking alongside, being with, supporting, keeping safe and nurturing. Midwives matter - today more than ever. ACM International Confederation of Midwives UTS School of Nursing & Midwifery Burnet Institute #IDM2022 #ICM100

Celebrating all the amazing midwives across the world today - Thank you for everything you do - walking alongside, being with, supporting, keeping safe and nurturing. Midwives matter - today more than ever. <a href="/MidwivesACM/">ACM</a> <a href="/world_midwives/">International Confederation of Midwives</a> <a href="/utsSoNM/">UTS School of Nursing & Midwifery</a> <a href="/BurnetInstitute/">Burnet Institute</a> #IDM2022 #ICM100
@womenandbirth (@womenandbirth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Friday's paper - Wanting to be ‘with woman’, not with machine: Midwives’ experiences of caring for women being continuously monitored in labour [open access] Ass Prof Deborah Fox Vanessa Scarf Bec Coddington…