VR(Ex)Change Network
An international collaboration effort to identify nexus issues across Sustainable Consumption & Sustainable Production practice & research.
ID: 1621496611548418048
https://www.vrexchange.org 03-02-2023 13:14:01
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āļø Protecting scientists and research in times of #crisis: how can we do better? The ISC Centre for Centre for Science Futures will soon release a working paper to address this issue and foster science proactivity in times of crisis. Start by checking their set of #infographics now ā¬ļø

Sustainable production can educate consumers about the environmental impact of their choices while sustainable consumption can inspire producers to adopt more eco-friendly practices Share your thoughts at our community platform rb.gy/2ikij George Basile Kirsten Rowell

Financial support is now available for students & early career faculty to attend our REMADE #CircularEconomy Conference, April 10-11, in #WashingtonDC! Funding provided by U.S. National Science Foundation. Applications approved on a rolling basis! To apply ASAP, go to: bit.ly/3J1H6Vr. #technology