Volodymyr Tolkach (@volodymyrtolka1) 's Twitter Profile
Volodymyr Tolkach


Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Serbia

ID: 993007853173641216

calendar_today06-05-2018 06:01:36

162 Tweet


111 Following

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@zelenskyyua) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Russian terrorists. The destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam only confirms for the whole world that they must be expelled from every corner of Ukrainian land. Not a single meter should be left to them, because they use every meter for terror. It’s only

Ukrainische Botschaft (@ukrindeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Russland hat Kachowka-Damm in der Region Cherson heute Nacht gesprengt. Das wird gravierende Folgen für die Menschen und das Ökosystem haben. Schon jetzt sind Ortschaften am Fluss Dnipro überschwemmt, das Wasser steigt. #RussiaIsATerroristState

Ukrinform (@ukrinform) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Каховська ГЕС повністю зруйнована, відновленню не підлягає – Укргідроенерго ukrinform.ua/rubric-ato/371…

Каховська ГЕС повністю зруйнована, відновленню не підлягає – Укргідроенерго
Volodymyr Tolkach (@volodymyrtolka1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

маћеха русија. Дизањем у ваздух Каховске ХЕ оставила је воду на југу Украјине и на Криму. На крају, вода из Каховке је отишла у систем за наводњавање Крима.

Ukrainian World Congress 🇺🇦 (@uwcongress) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We also call on #Ukrainians and friends of #Ukraine worldwide to take to the streets and demand that their governments act resolutely and provide UA with all support required to defeat the deadly #PutinIsaWarCriminal regime 3/3 #KakhovkaDam #KakhovkaReservoir #UkraineWillWin

We also call on #Ukrainians and friends of #Ukraine worldwide to take to the streets and demand that their governments act resolutely and provide UA with all support required to defeat the deadly #PutinIsaWarCriminal regime 3/3
#KakhovkaDam #KakhovkaReservoir #UkraineWillWin
MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 (@mfa_ukraine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Ukraine and the United States are long-term allies. If someone in the Kremlin thought they could 'wait out' Ukraine's ability to defend itself and the readiness of our partners to support our country, they were deeply mistaken" — Dmytro Kuleba during Secretary Antony Blinken's visit to 🇺🇦.

Emanuele Giaufret (@egiaufreteu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In Novi Pazar together with 🇺🇦 Ambassador Volodymyr Tolkach we held an engaging discussion with youth. No better way to conclude my visit, after visiting with Ministarstvo za EI 🇪🇺 funded projects supporting local SMEs and citizens.

In Novi Pazar together with 🇺🇦  Ambassador <a href="/VolodymyrTolka1/">Volodymyr Tolkach</a> we held an engaging discussion with  youth. No better way to conclude my visit, after visiting with <a href="/MINEIsrb/">Ministarstvo za EI</a> 🇪🇺 funded  projects supporting local SMEs and citizens.
Dmytro Kuleba (@dmytrokuleba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Вдячний державам-членам МАГАТЕ за сильну резолюцію Генеральної Конференції щодо ядерної, фізичної ядерної безпеки та гарантій в Україні. Її меседж чіткий: Росія має вивести свої війська та неуповноважений персонал з ЗАЕС і негайно передати станцію під повний контроль України.

MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 (@mfa_ukraine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is what Russia did to 🇺🇦 #Avdiivka in the Donetsk region 💔 These are Russia's real intentions. #RussiaIsATerroristState

Volodymyr Tolkach (@volodymyrtolka1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Сам лавров је објавио пресуду русији и себи. Јел тако. Формула В. Зеленског, која се заснива на принципима Повеље УН, изгледа као пресуда и ултиматум за ратне злочинце и прекршиоце основних принципа мирног суживота народа.

MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 (@mfa_ukraine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sincere congratulations to the Republic of Serbia 🇷🇸 on the #StatehoodDay. Sharing common values of freedom and European aspirations we may contribute to global peace and security architecture. Wishing the people of Serbia peace, prosperity, and well-being! MFA Serbia

KyivPost (@kyivpost) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"I’ll probably be the first director to say that I wish I had never made this film. I wish to be able to exchange this for Russia never attacking #Ukraine. I wish to be able to exchange this for Russian not killing 10,000 of my fellow Ukrainians," director #Chernov said.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@zelenskyyua) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 20DaysInMariupol documentary won the "Oscar" award. I am grateful to the team for this film. This award is important for our entire country. The horrors of Mariupol must never be forgotten. The entire world must see and remember what the inhumane Russian invasion brought to

The <a href="/20DaysMariupol/">20DaysInMariupol</a> documentary won the "Oscar" award. I am grateful to the team for this film. This award is important for our entire country.

The horrors of Mariupol must never be forgotten. The entire world must see and remember what the inhumane Russian invasion brought to
UKR Embassy in HUN (@ukrinhun) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇺🇦Dmytro Kuleba ukrán külügyminiszter: “A legerősebb az, aki a jó és a rossz közötti harcban a jó oldalára áll, és nem próbálja meg egyenlőséget tenni azzal, hogy "tárgyalásoknak" nevezi.

🇺🇦Dmytro Kuleba ukrán külügyminiszter:
“A legerősebb az, aki a jó és a rossz közötti harcban a jó oldalára áll, és nem próbálja meg egyenlőséget tenni azzal, hogy "tárgyalásoknak" nevezi.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@zelenskyyua) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had a phone call with the Prime Minister of Japan 岸田文雄. I am grateful to the Japanese government and the people of Japan for the large-scale and multifaceted assistance. The distance between our countries is not an obstacle to the warmth of your hearts towards

Swedish Ambassador to Serbia and to Montenegro (@sweambbelgrade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

”🇸🇪 je trebalo 3 meseca da se odrekne politike vojne neutralnosti stare 200 godina zbog agresije 🇷🇺 nad 🇺🇦 Čvrsto podržavamo NATO i🇺🇦. Uz NATO, Švedska je bezbednija. Uz Švedsku, NATO je jači.” Drago mi je bilo učestvovati u @asm_ascg panelu #1NATO75years #WeAreNATO

”🇸🇪 je trebalo 3 meseca da se odrekne politike vojne neutralnosti stare 200 godina zbog agresije 🇷🇺 nad  🇺🇦 
Čvrsto podržavamo <a href="/NATO/">NATO</a>  i🇺🇦.

Uz NATO, Švedska je bezbednija. Uz Švedsku, NATO je jači.”

Drago mi je bilo učestvovati u @asm_ascg panelu

#1NATO75years #WeAreNATO
Volodymyr Tolkach (@volodymyrtolka1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reception of Sweden's accession to NATO. 1709, Poltava Battle. Sweden cought a neutral status for centuries. Ukraine finally lost its independence. In 2024, in our reality, Sweden "lost" its neutral status. It's time for us finally "reach" our Independence.

Reception of Sweden's accession to NATO.
1709,  Poltava Battle. Sweden cought a neutral status for centuries. Ukraine finally lost its independence.
In 2024, in our reality, Sweden "lost" its neutral status. It's time for us finally "reach" our Independence.