Vladimir Kogan (@vkoganpolisci) 's Twitter Profile
Vladimir Kogan


Professor at @osupolisci, education policy gadfly
(tweets represent my opinions only)

ID: 933455515438473221

linkhttp://u.osu.edu/kogan.18/ calendar_today22-11-2017 22:01:52

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1,1K Following

Vladimir Kogan (@vkoganpolisci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wow, you can't make this up! (H/t Michael Hartney). Reminds me of the time CTU leader argued it was unsafe to resume in person learning because of COVID -- while going on vacation to Puerto Rico. fox32chicago.com/news/chicago-tā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No, school closures arenā€™t racist. On this weekā€™s podcast, Vladimir Kogan, a professor at OSU Polisci, joins Michael Petrilli and David Griffith to discuss what role race, achievement, and enrollment play in a districtā€™s decision to close a school. fordhaminstitute.org/national/resouā€¦

Dan Goldhaber (@cedr_us) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More discussions of school closures w/ Vladimir Kogan. Doesn't sound like closures are racially driven (controlling for various factors), good! But school quality also doesn't seem to be a factor, bad! fordhaminstitute.org/national/resouā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vladimir Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Chad Aldeman (@chadaldeman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Chicagoā€™s most underenrolled high schools spent several times more per student than the district average last year, with half a dozen spending more than $40,000 per student..." --Vladimir Kogan fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Dale Chu (@dale_chu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œā€˜Sometimes,ā€™ Arne Duncan wrote in his book, ā€˜closing a school is the best thing that can happen to a group of students.ā€™ The best available research supports him.ā€ Vladimir Kogan via Fordham Institute fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vladimir Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vlad Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vlad Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vlad Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Fordham Institute (@educationgadfly) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop playing the race card on school closures, writes Vlad Kogan. Everyone who cares about racial justice should be focused on doing whatā€™s best for students and their learningā€”not on school buildings or the employment impact of closing some of them. fordhaminstitute.org/national/commeā€¦

Vladimir Kogan (@vkoganpolisci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The folks who opposed the teaching of evolution in the public schools in the Scopes Monkey Trial (i.e., William Jennings Bryan) also argued it was rooted in white supremacy and eugenics (with evolution -> social Darwinism).

Keith E. Whittington (@kewhittington) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The transformation of the AAUP continues. This particular switch seemed inevitable given how activist academia was trending insidehighered.com/news/faculty-iā€¦

Hoover Institution (@hooverinst) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Hoover Institution fellow Michael Hartney explores how BeyoncĆ©'s financial backing of Vice President Kamala Harris contrasts with Jay-Z's support for school vouchers. Read Hartney's analysis of Harris' stance on #schoolchoice on Fox News: foxnews.com/opinion/kamalaā€¦

Vladimir Kogan (@vkoganpolisci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Activists storm school board meeting over 8th grade history text they say is filled with falsehoods. Demand "Purification Commission" to "review all books now in the system" and "weed out those which are" inappropriate. Think its Moms for Liberty in 2024? Try Detroit 1960s.

Activists storm school board meeting over 8th grade history text they say is filled with falsehoods. 

Demand "Purification Commission" to "review all books now in the system" and "weed out those which are" inappropriate.

Think its Moms for Liberty in 2024? Try Detroit 1960s.
Chad Aldeman (@chadaldeman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want a good job? Become a teacher! Read my latest piece The 74 on the economic benefits of teaching: the74million.org/article/hey-stā€¦

POLITICO (@politico) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Analysis: Donā€™t trust the election forecasts, writes political scientist Justin Grimmer. Why election forecasts can be dangerousšŸ‘‡ politico.com/news/magazine/ā€¦

Anton Strezhnev (@a_strezh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To show the problems of just looking at the static TWFE, I replicate a recent study from Vladimir Kogan on the effect of the food stamp program on Democratic party vote share which used a group-specific linear time trend spec (22/)