Vivek Srinivas
I study pathogens and parasites
ID: 37905559
05-05-2009 11:38:11
107 Tweet
103 Following
An emoji! Really BBC News (World) ? Do you think you could have done a better job disguising your glee? The good thing is that it’s this kind of attitude that makes us determined to do even better...
Have a background in bioinformatics/genomics? UW Virology is looking to hire an intern to assist with data analysis and data management for our #SARSCoV2 #HCoV19 sequencing team. Full time and looking for someone who can start right away. (Thx Nextstrain for the screenshot).
Phenotypic heterogeneity is a pandora's box within which lies solutions to achieve relapse free treatment for infections and cancers . At Baliga Lab, we have developed a method to study drug tolerant phenotypes of TB causing bacteria. Do read :)
The pathogen that causes #tuberculosis can change its disguise. ISB researchers have developed a new cell sorting technology, PerSort, to get around this problem. Nitin Baliga Vivek Srinivas Eliza Peterson Baliga Lab EIC Jack Gilbert…
.ISB's Serdar Turkarslan & team show that during evolution, mutations selected across the genomes of 2 organisms enhance the productivity of mutualistic interactions that account for cycling of over 1B tons of carbon/year.… The ISME Journal Nitin Baliga
ISB’s Mario Arrieta-Ortiz, Selva Rupa Christinal Immanuel, sturkarslan, Wei-ju Wu, Nitin Baliga & colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital, @tuftsmedschool, @univparissaclay & INSTITUT PASTEUR published online today in Cell Host & Microbe…
Congratulations to Vivek Srinivas & Co., who have created algorithms to accelerate the discovery of efficacious #tuberculosis treatments. Their work was published this morning in Cell Reports Methods. Nitin Baliga…
ISB researchers just published an article in npj Systems Biology and Applications showing how a new predictive model can accurately predict condition-specific vulnerabilities in MTB, the pathogen that causes TB. Selva Rupa Christinal Immanuel Nitin Baliga npj Journals…