Virginie Cornu
Data & Tech lover #dev #iot #innovation #analytics #management
ID: 784669335285559296
08-10-2016 08:18:42
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119 Following

Very glad to have participated to the Connected Car Challenge by the La Fabrique des Mobilités and being selected by the jury for the 3rd spot on the podium ! Ready for the next ! :)

We had such a good time developping that project and it was a very nice experience pitching it at the La Fabrique des Mobilités ! Ready for the next ! #IoT #computer_vision #React #GraphQL #python

Retrouvez notre VP Data Virginie Cornu en live dans la matinale d'IT for Business IT for BUSINESS à 10h30 ! youtube.com/watch?v=1tJSxK…

Wonder what a Data Scientist does at Jellysmack Labs ? Check out this introduction from one of our Data Scientist and expert in NLP, Tien Duc CAO ! 🤓link.medium.com/mh0ErEkAkeb

Want to meet b and Bailey Sarian to talk about content creation and entertainment? Have some questions for our VP of Creator Accelerator Hugo Amsellem ? Join Variety's Creators Fest on August 12th! Link in the tweet below ⬇️

We are honored to welcome Virginie Cornu from Jellysmack Labs on November 29th for our 35th meetup Lifen ! She will talk about cartegorisation! #MachineLearning Join us: meetup.com/Paris-Women-in… #WiMLDSParis #WiMLDS #WomeninTech

🎁 It's here! The resources from our meetup Lifen are online: 📊 Slides from @AliceFroidevaux, Virginie Cornu & #SEOlesbienne #Gouine #Dyke! 📸 Pictures from our amazing community 📜 A sum-up of what was said, as if you were here #WiMLDSParis Women+ in ML/DS wimlds-paris.medium.com/35-paris-women…

Excited to announce #FemTechConf Q1 Summit 18-19 March ✳️ 25,000 #WomeninTech + Allies from across 🌎 🎤 35 Amazing Speakers from Delivery Hero, Heinz, Oracle +more 🎟️ Tickets: femtechconf.xyz ✳️ Sponsor: [email protected] RT to Support ❤️ #coding #100devs

Don’t miss it! Our engineering manager Maha ALSAYASNEH will be at the VoxxedDaysLuxembourg next week for an enlightening talk on code review! 🤓