Veronica Granato
ID: 792084339701846017
28-10-2016 19:23:18
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Ugly (cute) sweater day at school 😍 she wanted her favorite STMathTX penguin 😍Emily Burelsmith Duryea Elementary Tomicka Williams Ms. Barron, M.Ed. ST Math Educator? Follow us on MINDEduOrg!

Thank you STMathTX for going above and beyond for a child. Isabella loves learning math with JiJi. Her face lit up when she saw a surprise package and letter from him. Laura Adams Emily Burelsmith Duryea Elementary Ms. Barron, M.Ed.

Shout out to Coach Rodriguez for donating blood at our family fitness night Duryea Elementary also known as F.A.S.T night. TASSMAINE NEWTON M.Ed Tomicka Williams

Early Childhood Winter Conference with Eric Litwin Jackie Perez Duryea Elementary Tomicka Williams #ecwc2024 TASSMAINE NEWTON M.Ed Ms. Barron, M.Ed.

We had family pictures done last month. Isabella decided JiJi had to be included 🐧 Duryea Elementary ST Math Educator? Follow us on MINDEduOrg! STMathTX karen duffy

Spreading some Spring cheer this morning in the car rider line and classrooms this morning 🐰 🌸 🌺 Duryea Elementary Larita Merritt TASSMAINE NEWTON M.Ed

Our Duryea Elementary Dolphin Dashers and Blue Bows had the best time at the fun run. Thank you Jowell Jaguars for including us in this awesome event for our runners. Jackie Perez TASSMAINE NEWTON M.Ed karen duffy

Time to #ThankATeacher 🥹 karen duffy Karen Duffy has been an amazing teacher to my daughter, Isabella. She has motivated her and given her the confidence to succeed this year. We were so blessed to have such a dedicated teacher and cheer coach for our child. Duryea Elementary

Celebrated Christi Rolett birthday this evening ❤️ Xanthia Jones Angelique RV Jackie Perez

When T Adam Moler's Ss hit a challenge, they only have to look up at this anchor chart to find a more positive framing.