Vega Thurber Lab
Environmental #Virology and #Microbiology, #Metagenomics, and #Marine Disease Ecology @OregonState | cover photo: C. Grupstra 📸
ID: 1158625686644391936
https://vegathurberlab.wixsite.com/microbiology 06-08-2019 06:27:44
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Our new paper paper in Global Change Biology biology is out. We show that positive interactions between corals and common damselfishes can help corals resist bleaching as the oceans heat up. Learn more here - onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gc…

🪸Coral folks! We want to get the most out of our samples, yes? Our new pub with Coral Bleaching RCN detailing collection/preservation methods for ease of sharing across disciplines (physiology, omics, microscopy) is here! Share your samples with other labs! bit.ly/3Ns9AJf

🚨New pub out from our lab led by Becky in collaboration with Coral Bleaching RCN ! Congrats to Vega lab members Dr. Rebecca Vega Thurber Emily Schmeltzer Dr. Rowan McLachlan #coralreefs

Check out the latest from Vega Thurber Lab (Denise Silva, Hannah Epstein & Dr. Rebecca Vega Thurber) describing how to look at 16S in corals! 🦠🪸 frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…

🚨New pub out for our coral microbiome people, thanks to the hard work and dedication of Denise Silva , Hannah Epstein , and Dr. Rebecca Vega Thurber ! 🪸🦠 Best practices for generating and analyzing 16S rRNA amplicon data to track coral microbiome dynamics frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…

🎉Congratulations to Dr. Klinges on her new pub! During her time here, Grace Klinges, PhD and several undergraduate assistants performed experiments showing that microbiomes of disease-resistant 🪸#coral genets remained stable during nutrient stress nature.com/articles/s4159…

Big one out today Current Biology! We've been working on this for so long! After many expeditions and almost 1000 transects up to 143m depth, we show that the well-known longitudinal marine diversity gradient attenuates with greater depths! 1/n authors.elsevier.com/c/1gkk7_LsQSPr…

Grad students Sunni, Alex Vompe, and Mackenzie had a great time teaching students about coral microbiomes at the Bessie Coleman Elementary Science Night! Our interactive display allowed students to explore and visualize how microbiome structure may influence coral stress responses🪸

Dive into the unknown world of coral viruses this week with our guest Emily Schmeltzer! Emily is a 5th year PhD student in the Vega Thurber Lab at Oregon State Science and joins us this Sunday to talk about her research on the elusive viruses that live on corals. blogs.oregonstate.edu/inspiration/20…

We’re a little late on this one but MAJOR celebrations are in order in the lab: our very own Sunni Patton was awarded the U.S. National Science Foundation GRFP for her PhD research project here at Oregon State University! Congratulations and very well-deserved, Sunni! 🎊🍾🥳Grad School - Oregon State Oregon State Science Oregon State Microbiology Grad Students

Excited to see this out! This was a massive collaborative effort between members of the Tara Oceans Scientific, Vega Thurber Lab, and @CorreaLab. We reveal a long-standing interaction between coral symbionts (Symbiodiniaceae) and an enigmatic RNA virus: nature.com/articles/s4200…

A monumental effort!🧬Congratulations to Dr. Kalia Bistolas with Tara Oceans Scientific and @CorreaLab ! A hidden +ssRNA virus in coral dinoflagellate genomes can tell us about the complex evolutionary histories between viruses and their hosts nature.com/articles/s4200…

I found a coral triangle! ASLO meeting in #palma just missing Dr. Maren Ziegler to make it a square, though we returned to her recommended restaurant 😃 Verena Schoepf Dr. Rebecca Vega Thurber HKU Baker-McIlroy Lab

Out today in The ISME Journal thru extensive #TEM imaging, we show that a diversity of coral symbionts contain filamentous virus-like particles (fVLPs) see ⬇️for highlights