Lee Blinder
Nonbinary trans & queer human. Baba to Cupcake Pitty 🐶and Basil Pasta Marinara 🐈
ID: 19683481
28-01-2009 23:21:27
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177 Following
Thank you so much for your work on this Advocates for Trans Equality ! Have you known of persons who've gotten (in hand) a passport with corrected gender marker in the last 3 months?
Tried the latest hottest thing, Superiority Burger #superiorityburger with my pops tonight. The… instagram.com/p/4f6j1vlySg/
How can #GenderNonConforming MD resident access Dr services w/ a license with one name and a health ins co with #deadname? MD Health Connection
FYI Dylan Marron re: The Trans Ban tinyurl.com/y9zczxuc