Raquel Vazquez Llorente
Tech policy & GenerativeAI; Ex @witnessorg; Board @gdn_foundation; Advisor @TRUE_Swansea; Expert @J_RapidResponse; EuropeLeader @ObamaFoundation
ID: 2669874542
https://www.linkedin.com/in/raquelvazquezllorente/ 22-07-2014 16:21:25
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WITNESS Raquel Vazquez Llorente OSCE Not surprising to see WITNESS and Raquel Vazquez Llorente lead the way on these issues. Stay tuned for upcoming guidelines - and govts, private sector, when these folks advise action, take it without hesitation. For all our sakes.

📣 Exciting news! Today, we're launching 'Evaluating Digital Open Source Imagery: A Guide for Judges & Fact-Finders’, available in EN FR ES AR UKR. More in this article by Raquel Vazquez Llorente Daragh Murray & Sarah Zarmsky: opiniojuris.org/2024/05/20/eva… #DigitalEvidence #OSINT

A new piece by myself, Daragh Murray and Raquel Vazquez Llorente introduces our new guide for judges on evaluating digital open source imagery. It was a pleasure to be involved & to work with incredible co-authors. Hoping this will be a timely resource, esp given new ICC developments!

Raquel Vazquez Llorente Daragh Murray Sarah Zarmsky 🤝Developed by Queen Mary University of London TRUE Project Mnemonic Human Rights Center Open Society Justice Initiative Human Rights Centre Centre for Fundamental Rights - Hertie School Bonavero Institute of Human Rights & WITNESS, the guide provides a roadmap for judges & fact-finders on how to assess the credibility and reliability of digital #OpenSource imagery:

Raquel Vazquez Llorente Daragh Murray Sarah Zarmsky Queen Mary University of London TRUE Project Mnemonic Human Rights Center Open Society Justice Initiative Human Rights Centre Centre for Fundamental Rights - Hertie School Bonavero Institute of Human Rights The guide explains common #OSINT techniques and tackles challenges like content verification, metadata analysis, and source credibility assessment. 📢Join us at our upcoming launch events + informational sessions globally. 🤙🏾 Hit Daragh Murray if you're interested in hosting

We are on at the former Parliament House for West Germany — incredible venue! If you are at #GMF24 and would like to connect, hit me up. Please join me tomorrow for a conversation on AI and elections with Shayan Sardarizadeh from the BBC and Joscha Weber DW Global Media Forum

What impact does AI-generated content have on justice and accountability for human rights violations? Launching our #AI and #HumanRights Symposium, Raquel Vazquez Llorente (WITNESS) & Prof Yvonne McDermott (Swansea Law) offer insights and recommendations. justsecurity.org/96731/truth-tr…

In the first piece on Just Security #HumanRights + #AI symposium Raquel Vazquez Llorente WITNESS + Yvonne McDermott Rees TRUE Project discuss how AI will affect #trust and #truth in a hybrid human-AI media landscape. #humanrights #warcrimes #accountability #OSINT

Check out the first piece in our Just Security The Promise Institute for Human Rights symposium on #HumanRights and #AI from Raquel Vazquez Llorente WITNESS + Yvonne McDermott Rees TRUE Project

Raquel Vazquez Llorente Just Security TRUE Project WITNESS excellent article! w some helpful recs on tech tools to combat nihilistic attacks on evidence. I suspect that decidedly low tech solutions may also be part of the answer, like authentication by witnesses with personal knowledge and expert testimony to show ev. was not altered.

How does disinformation, especially AI, impact elections? What can we learn from past elections hit by disinformation? And how can journalism counter it? We'll discuss this today at the DW Global Media Forum with Raquel Vazquez Llorente, Shayan Sardarizadeh and Rachel Baig. #GMF24 gmf-event.com/program-detail…