Tim Vanuytsel
ID: 1379124902628892679
05-04-2021 17:33:12
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Spore-forming probiotics improve symptoms in functional dyspepsia! Read our last paper in The Lancet Gastroenterology Hepatology! authors.elsevier.com/a/1dWU18nByr1F… The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Lucas Wauters TARGID KU LEUVEN

A huge congratulations to our 2022 my_UEG Rising Stars Tim Vanuytsel from TARGID KU LEUVEN Find out more about our Rising Star Awards (bit.ly/3Lc593W)

#GUTImage from the paper Vanuytsel et al "Understanding neuroimmune interactions in disorders of gut–brain interaction: from functional to immune-mediated disorders" via bit.ly/3ysNgIV #IBS #FD TARGID KU LEUVEN

#GUTImage from the paper Vanuytsel et al "Understanding neuroimmune interactions in disorders of gut–brain interaction: from functional to immune-mediated disorders" via bit.ly/3ysNgIV #IBS #FD TARGID KU LEUVEN

Masterclass in intestinal permeability -urinary sugar excretion (some issues incl potential contamination), discrimination of pore vs leak and para vs transcellular pathways, blood biomarkers incl the controversial zonulin Tim Vanuytsel #DDW2023

Very proud about the excellent talk by Inge Jacobs at #DDW2023 describing the immune landscape in fibrostricturing CD. Is there a role for eosinophils in #IBD? Bram Verstockt Tim Vanuytsel Severine Vermeire Gianluca Matteoli JoĂŁo Sabino Gabriele Bislenghi andre dhoore

Tim Vanuytsel describes setting up a #teduglutide service and the importance of the MDT St Mark's Hospital NRC SIF meeting. Patients with a poor oral intake are poor candidates as need to have a good oral intake. #whatdietitiansdo British Dietetic Association BDA Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Group BAPEN UK BSG

Karakter 84: over circulaire economie (Karel Van Acker), gezinsonderzoek, weird fiction, wat ertoe doet (Stijn Bruers), wetenschapsgeschiedenis, darmprikkelingen (Tim Vanuytsel), geesteswetenschappers en voedingslabels (Michiel De Bauw en Liesbet Vranken). Zie tijdschriftkarakter.be!

Special issue of #COPHAR on GI cancer is finally complete Overview 👉 authors.elsevier.com/a/1iehg5Ea-8VC… 🙏 Angelica Petrillo for editing 🙏 all contributors - Jordan Cloyd, Michele Ghidini MD, PhD, Irene Chong, Rona Yaeger, Federica Papaccio, Frederik Peeters and many others!!