Vanessa Ho, MD, MPH (she/her)
Trauma surgeon, health services researcher, mom, foodie. Trying to do good & be a good person. #BLM✊🏿 Ally🌈
@metrohealthcle, KL2 scholar, PhD candidate @cwru
ID: 891633380
19-10-2012 19:12:34
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Check out our latest discussion with Matt Tabbut, MD about necrotizing fasciitis and how ultrasound can be helpful. youtu.be/cBaIbOqBWrM #MetroEUS #POCUS #Ultrasound

From the #DFI2024 recommended reading list- see this paper we wrote for the Coalition for National Trauma Research methodology conference. Vanessa Ho, MD, MPH (she/her) Michelle Price tsaco.bmj.com/content/5/1/e0…

Elliott R Haut, MD, PhD AAST reillyp Ronald Stewart Bollywood Fries Rachael Callcut, MD, MSPH Todd Costantini Mitchell Jay Cohen AAST Associate Members Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open (TSACO) Hasan Alam Michelle Price Ben Zarzaur Coalition for National Trauma Research Thomas K. Duncan Raul Coimbra, MD, PhD Matthew D. Neal, MD The AAST want to know-- how can more early investigators reach escape velocity (momentum for extramural $ 🚀)

It's a great honor to be a part of the incredible group C.H.E.E.E.R., who are putting our community at the center of research! Congrats to everyone who is presenting at Dissemination Day!

On Saturday, MetroHealth will be hosting our annual Resiliency Run at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo One of my favorite events of the year, when we get the opportunity to both celebrate and be inspired by our trauma survivors! MetroHealth Surgery Residency Register here: metrohealth.me/ResiliencyRun

Firearm Violence impacts the health and safety of Americans. Here is why the Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General advisory declaring Firearm Violence a Public Health Crisis matters. 👇🏽👇🏽healthjournalism.org/blog/2024/06/w…

Are you a #GeneralSurgery intern, prelim or researcher who applied to the #GSMatch2024? Please enroll in our study to evaluate factors affecting the match. US, IMG, unmatched, matched all are encouraged to participate. Assoc4AcademicSurgery Enroll at : mcwisc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bd…

⭐⭐⭐Engage the experts with your challenging cases⭐⭐⭐ If you've had a tough case and wonder what others would do, please share it with us EAST Stephanie Streit Jordan Estroff Jeff Nahmias MD MHPE FACS FCCM Ben Zarzaur Nicole Fox Jamie Coleman, MD FACS

AAST teaches STOP THE FALLS at Doolittle Community Center in North Las Vegas Clark County Nevada City of Las Vegas City of North Las Vegas UMC Hospital Las Vegas FireRescue

Another great #stopthefalls #aast24 AAST EAST Panamericanadetrauma Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open (TSACO)

Slide presented by Ryan Dumas on behalf of AAST Associate Members Associate Member Council about the Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open (TSACO) scholarship. Monthly winner gets free publication in #TSACO #OpenAccess #FOAMed #AAST2024

In our study, children of injured parents face various challenges, including higher rates of ADHD/ADD, injury, and financial worry. These findings underscore the need for comprehensive trauma care addressing family-wide impacts Vanessa Ho, MD, MPH (she/her) Arnav Mahajan Prerna Ladha Ruchika Kamojjala

Amazing work as always from Vanessa Ho, MD, MPH (she/her)! So wonderful to see a nuanced look at how trauma affects entire families, particularly children of injured parents. Great job to a talented M2 future doctor Kamojjala on a fantastic presentation. Metro Health

Our student Ruchika Kamojjala from CWRU School of Medicine proves that the future is SO bright 😎 😎 😎 And huge props to our postdoctoral scholar Arnav Mahajan who helped with design and implementation of this really cool study! MetroHealth MetroHealth Surgery Residency

.P!nk thank you and the AAST AAST for providing the best Friday the 13th entertainment for an amazing group of female trauma surgeons. We had the best time! Leah Tatebe Stephanie Bonne Stepheny Berry, MD, FACS Vanessa Ho, MD, MPH (she/her) Rachel L. Choron, MD FACS