Helga de Valk
Director Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute @nidi_knaw; PI ERC CoG MyMove; president @EAPS_pop; member advisory committee on migration affairs
ID: 2586840093
06-06-2014 11:54:34
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A full audience in the University of Groningen academy building is coming together for the European Population Conference 2022 organised by EAPS in collaboration with NIDI & Faculteit GMW - University of Groningen. The meeting is hybrid with 450 in person and 200 🧑🏻💻👨💻

Happy to be part of this group at the faculty Spatial Sciences UG !

Very proud that PhD student from the European Research Council (ERC) MyMove project won the #EPC2022 EAPS poster award!! NIDI University of Groningen

Some highlights from #EPC2022 #Groningen EAPS Virtual Poster Session 👁👁 Congrats to the award winners Juul Henkens NIDI Almut Schumann Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), and Osama Damoun CED Barcelona and all of their coauthors.

.Daniela Perrotta at #EPC2022 on using LinkedIn data to understand openness to move internationally for a job. Great presentation and excellent session!

We are glad to announce that Alp-Pop will be back full-fledged next winter with amazing Skinotes Nava Ashraf @HermanWerfhorst Please submit your paper or ext. abstract at easychair.org/conferences/?c… Deadline Sep. 25 Arnstein Aassve Nicoletta Balbo #SethSanders Dondena Centre