Vuk Vuksanovic
PhD from @LSEIRDept. Senior researcher at @bezbednost_org and associate at @lseideas. Forthcoming book "Serbia's Balancing Act: Between Russia and the West."
ID: 1893991166
http://www.lse.ac.uk/international-relations/phd-students/vuksanovic-vuk 22-09-2013 14:45:22
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Very sensible Katja Hoyer piece on German politics. "For years, moderates have failed to offer credible center-right politics on the ballot, but that may be about to change. Expect German politics to shift right, though not as far as many fear." bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…

Par mojih komentara za Glas Amerike VOA o najavama za povratak vojnog roka u Srbiji. Tekst je koautorisao Rade Rankovic. glasamerike.net/a/srbija-vojni…

Par mojih komentara za Bloomberg Adria Srbija o najavama za povratak vojnog roka u Srbiji. rs.bloombergadria.com/ekonomija/srbi…

A piece by Elis Gjevori in The New Arab on how #Israel is strengthening ties with the #Balkans, especially #Serbia and #Albania. I contributed a couple of comments. newarab.com/analysis/why-i…

Moje gostovanje u podcastu "Pravo u CEDEM" u produkciji CEDEM - Centar za demokratiju i ljudska prava iz Podgorice gde sam govorio o usponu populizma na Zapadu, transatlantskim odnosima, geopolitici EU i Balkana. youtube.com/watch?v=HQG_q8…

Excellent piece by Senator Matt Canavan on the recently introduced & amusingly named Misinformation & Disinformation bills - I will write something up on this in due course but the carve outs in the bill for legacy media are nothing short of comical