@IITalk Lab - PI: Monica Gori |
Vision | Visually Impaired | Multisensory | Perception | Development | Rehabilitation technologies
ID: 785867235210436608
https://www.iit.it/it/web/unit-for-visually-impaired-people 11-10-2016 15:38:44
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. #dreamers: Monica Gori, PI di U-VIP IIT e Alessandra Sciutti, PI del team CONTACT, parteciperanno all'evento "Storie di donne per combattere stereotipi e pregiudizi" organizzato dal progetto Orientamenti on air di Regione Liguria #donne #STEM #8marzo2024 orientamenti.regione.liguria.it
Had a great time at #IMRF2024 in Reno seeing many old and new friends and colleagues. Loving the kind, collaborative multisensory community (and exploring the area with Prof Marko Nardini & Ulrik R. Beierholm) See you next year in Durham 🤩
Yesterday, Monica Gori presented a keynote at The Sense Innovation and Research Center Research Center Annual Meeting held at the Riponne Palace in #Lausanne sharing the latest scientific advancements on multisensory development, conducting inside the European Research Council (ERC) #MySpace project. IIT IITalk_projects