The Institute for Public Service is UT's source for public service outreach in TN. IPS works with businesses, governments to improve the lives of Tennesseans
ID: 849431970
http://ips.tennessee.edu/ 27-09-2012 15:23:40
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Happy Boss's Day to Herb Byrd III! We appreciate your support and guidance throughout the year!

Early voting in Tennessee is underway for those registered to vote in the state. You can find your county early voting locations by entering your name or address at GoVoteTN.gov. Can you vote early on the @utknoxville campus? The Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs will serve as an Early

Staff from all IPS agencies gathered in Nashville for a Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence tune-up. Herb Byrd III says "You don't have to be sick to get better." And we use the TNCPE criteria for excellence to continue to get better!

A must-listen podcast from our SMART Initiative initiative! x.com/UT_SMART/statu…

Hey UGA Vinson Institute we're looking forward to Tennessee Football invading Athens this weekend! Don't you agree, Vols fans? Orange>Red, Coonhounds>Bulldogs #GBO