University of Edinburgh Futsal Club
Student-run Sports Team | Scottish University 1A Champions 15/16, 19/20🏆 | BUCS Trophy Finalist🎖| Instagram 📸 @uofefutsal
ID: 701371837968683008
https://www.facebook.com/UofEFutsal/ 21-02-2016 11:44:11
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Our newly elected president, SJ, chats to mona siddiqui about evocative smells and taking ownership of faith on the University’s #SharingThingsPodcast this week! Give it a listen and subscribe here: edin.ac/2WBcWjh

Former #SWNT & Glasgow City FC player Suzanne Lappin joins Iona on #alba360 at 8pm with Beth Potter and Edinburgh University Women's Futsal Bidh Suzanne Lappin, a b’ àbhaist chluich gu h-eadar-nàiseanta airson Alba, air #ALBA360 aig 8f cuide ri Iona Ballantyne bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09… youtu.be/GHsNz-OieRY