UNICEF Luxembourg
Pour chaque enfant, une vraie chance, une bonne santé, des vaccins, la sécurité, de l’eau potable, le temps de jouer…
ID: 44362508
http://www.unicef.lu 03-06-2009 13:54:15
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170 Following
🔴#MSF Luxembourg, Handicap International Luxembourg, CARE Luxembourg et UNICEF Luxembourg joignent leur voix pour alerter sur la situation humanitaire catastrophique à #Gaza. Nous appelons à un cessez-le-feu et à l’accroissement de l’aide humanitaire. 👉Lisez notre déclaration ici : msf.lu/articles/decla…
Notre communiqué de presse commun signé par Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty Luxembourg , UNICEF Luxembourg , Friddens Platform, CPCJO et CELL, concernant nos demandes pour #Gaza👇 bit.ly/3TyfhKM
As the🇪🇺EU Corporate Sustainability #DueDiligence Directive 📝reaches a key moment, a reminder that 1️⃣1️⃣years ago the UNChildRights called on Member States to: ✅require business to conduct #ChildRights responsive due diligence ✅facilitate access to #Justice for children #CSDD
Team #Luxembourg🇱🇺 in Geneva🇺🇳 welcomed UNICEF Luxembourg and their Youth Ambassadors today. They had an engaging exchange with 🇱🇺 Permanent Representative Marc Bichler about how children and young people can make their voices heard at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
🇱🇺UNICEF Luxembourg Youth Ambassadors met World Health Organization (WHO)'s Mental Health & Substance Abuse Director in Geneva for an exchange of views. While governments and societies pay more attention to youth and mental health, more needs to be done to fight stigma related to mental health, e.g. in schools.
Since yesterday & until today, team #Luxembourg🇱🇺 has been honoured to welcome UNICEF Luxembourg & their Unicef Youth Delegate Lana to Geneva! Today, Lana will present her statement at the Annual Day on the Rights of the Child at the UN Human Rights Council 🇺🇳 Listening to children is indispensable.
Austausch mat de Vertrieder vun UNICEF Luxembourg iwwer de Statut vum „Mineur non accompagné“ am Kader vun den Asylprozeduren: „Fir d’Regierung ass et wichteg, dass den Intérêt vun de Kanner garantéiert gëtt“, sou den Inneminister Léon Gloden 🤝