uni.lu - Geography (@uni_lu_geo) 's Twitter Profile
uni.lu - Geography


Developing excellence in regional and local development and planning, European urban and spatial policy and sustainable spatial development.

ID: 917357266042544130

linkhttp://goo.gl/nho2X9 calendar_today09-10-2017 11:53:10

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UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Register now! – The fourth edition of the public interdisciplinary #UniGR_CBS #online lecture series #BorderRealities will start in October in cooperation with BorderRegionStudies of the University of Southern Denmark 👉 more information borderrealities.org

uni.lu (@uni_lu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Science Lecture Series: #20Years of ideas! Discover cutting-edge science & solutions for the world of tomorrow! Join us for this new lecture series with #uni_lu researchers. Open to all and free of charge, with topics from across our research areas. uni.lu/en/20th-annive…

Science Lecture Series: #20Years of ideas!

Discover cutting-edge science & solutions for the world of tomorrow!

Join us for this new lecture series with #uni_lu researchers.

Open to all and free of charge, with topics from across our research areas.

Maedhbh Nic Lochlainn (@maedhbhlikedave) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very pleased to have arrived in time to catch a brilliant presentation from Sabine Dörry and MHesse to kick off my #dkg23 experience - great to see such a strong showing of LISER uni.lu - Geography research 🙌

Very pleased to have arrived in time to catch a brilliant presentation from <a href="/curiosfinance/">Sabine Dörry</a> and <a href="/markushesse60/">MHesse</a> to kick off my #dkg23 experience - great to see such a strong showing of <a href="/LISERinLUX/">LISER</a> <a href="/uni_lu_Geo/">uni.lu - Geography</a> research 🙌
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save-the-date (11/10/23) – Eeva Kaisa Prokkola & Satu Kivela University of Oulu will give a talk about how geopolitics & biopolitics converged in the 🇫🇮-🇸🇪 border region during #COVID19 in the #UniGR_CBS online lecture series #BorderRealities 👉 Registration shorturl.at/wQW18

EMNLuxembourg (@emnluxembourg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great opportunity to touch base with other partners and stakeholders from #EU networks! Thank you EU zu Lëtzebuerg for the invitation! Looking forward to discussions and networking!

Great opportunity to touch base with other partners and stakeholders from #EU networks! Thank you <a href="/UE_Luxembourg/">EU zu Lëtzebuerg</a> for the invitation! Looking forward to discussions and networking!
uni.lu (@uni_lu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Guided tour for exhibition "#Luxembourg in Transition - visions for a desirable future" by Prof. Florian Hertweck at Luxembourg Center for Architecture (LUCA)! 🗓️ Wednesday 4 Oct ⏰ 17.00 - 18.00 ⚠️ REGISTER NOW (30 people maximum) ➡️ ulsurvey.uni.lu/index.php/1199… ⬅️ #uni_lu

Guided tour for exhibition "#Luxembourg in Transition - visions for a desirable future" by Prof. Florian Hertweck at Luxembourg Center for Architecture (LUCA)!

🗓️ Wednesday 4 Oct
⏰ 17.00 - 18.00

⚠️ REGISTER NOW (30 people maximum)
➡️ ulsurvey.uni.lu/index.php/1199… ⬅️

EMNLuxembourg (@emnluxembourg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are always looking for new opportunities to attract new users for the EMNMigration interactive learning tool #DestinationEurope Therefor, the visit to IOMSwitzerland was very much welcomed and appreciated from our side. Learn more about how it went 👉twtr.to/dDugd

We are always looking for new opportunities to attract new users for the <a href="/EMNMigration/">EMNMigration</a> interactive learning tool #DestinationEurope Therefor, the visit to <a href="/IOMSwitzerland/">IOMSwitzerland</a> was very much welcomed and appreciated from our side.
Learn more about how it went 👉twtr.to/dDugd
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“A world without innocence is a world of trouble, that is a world of differentiated complicity, in the webs of processes that matter, that shape, enliven and kill” – #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry at the BOMOCULT Conference dealing with Transforming Borders in an Insecure World

“A world without innocence is a world of trouble, that is a world of differentiated complicity, in the webs of processes that matter, that shape, enliven and kill” – #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry at the BOMOCULT Conference dealing with Transforming Borders in an Insecure World
uni.lu - Geography (@uni_lu_geo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👉The Exhibition 'The Great Repair' opened at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin co-curated by Master in Architecture/DGEO team members Florian Hertweck & Marija Marić 🗓️October 14, 2023 – January 14, 2024 More information: bit.ly/476vj2d bit.ly/3s7A2BN

👉The Exhibition 'The Great Repair' opened at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin
co-curated by Master in Architecture/DGEO team members Florian Hertweck &amp; Marija Marić

🗓️October 14, 2023 – January 14, 2024
More information: 
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save-the-date – The next #AtelierBordertextures takes place on 16 November with #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry who will discuss #Bordertextures from and with Welcome Cultures 👉 More information & registration: atelier.bordertextures.org

Save-the-date – The next #AtelierBordertextures takes place on 16 November with #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry who will discuss #Bordertextures from and with Welcome Cultures 👉 More information &amp; registration: atelier.bordertextures.org
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week in the LISER’s Cross-Border #LivingLabWorkshop, the #UniGR_CBS members E. Evrard & T. Becker presented participatory approaches in cross-border spatial planning research and in cross-border place identity studies – Thanks to Sohn Christophe for the exciting program!

Last week in the LISER’s Cross-Border #LivingLabWorkshop, the #UniGR_CBS members E. Evrard &amp; T. Becker presented participatory approaches in cross-border spatial planning research and in cross-border place identity studies – Thanks to <a href="/ChristopheSohn/">Sohn Christophe</a> for the exciting program!
EMNLuxembourg (@emnluxembourg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are getting ready to welcome participants for the 2nd workshop on #forecasting and new technologies in #asylum and #migration governance. Rediscovering #Limpertsberg campus of uni.lu

We are getting ready to welcome participants for the 2nd workshop on #forecasting and new technologies in #asylum and #migration governance. Rediscovering #Limpertsberg campus of <a href="/uni_lu/">uni.lu</a>
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Université Lorraine: Focus on the #UniGR_CBS working groups at the #BorderStudies Seminar day 2: Learn more about the activities & cooperations of the Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise 👉 Visit the Digital Knowledge & Documentation Center knowledge.borderstudies.org

Today <a href="/Univ_Lorraine/">Université Lorraine</a>: Focus on the #UniGR_CBS working groups at the #BorderStudies Seminar day 2: Learn more about the activities &amp; cooperations of the Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise
👉 Visit the Digital Knowledge &amp; Documentation Center knowledge.borderstudies.org
EMNLuxembourg (@emnluxembourg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 UPCOMING National Conference "Children in Migration - Access to Education" Keynote speech delivered by Sara Lembrechts from @UGent Join us in person uni.lu or online 📆 23.11. ⏰ 9.30 to 15.00 More 👉 shorturl.at/kqOY8

📢 UPCOMING National Conference "Children in Migration - Access to Education"
Keynote speech delivered by <a href="/LembrechtsSara/">Sara Lembrechts</a> from @UGent 
Join us in person <a href="/uni_lu/">uni.lu</a> or online
📆 23.11. 
⏰ 9.30 to 15.00
More 👉 shorturl.at/kqOY8
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save-the-date – Presentation of the new book "Cross-border Work in Europe" with #UniGR_CBS members! The book with 14 English and French texts gathers 21 experts from Europe and is presented publicly for the first time on Nov 24 LISER 👉 shorturl.at/fkvX5

Save-the-date – Presentation of the new book "Cross-border Work in Europe" with #UniGR_CBS members! The book with 14 English and French texts gathers 21 experts from Europe and is presented publicly for the first time on Nov 24 <a href="/LISERinLUX/">LISER</a> 
👉 shorturl.at/fkvX5
Research Luxembourg (@researchlux) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📅#Research Lecture Series - Upcoming conferences in November & December Discover the next 5 #science lectures of the uni.lu, organised to celebrate its #20Years anniversary ➡️uni.lu/en/20th-annive… #ResearchLuxembourg #uni_lu

📅#Research Lecture Series - Upcoming conferences in November &amp; December

Discover the next 5 #science lectures of the <a href="/uni_lu/">uni.lu</a>,
organised to celebrate its #20Years anniversary

#ResearchLuxembourg #uni_lu
LISER's Labour Market department (@liser_lm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 Registration deadline: November 21st 🗣️Event: "Cross-Border Work in Europe - Realities and challenges" ℹ️ The aim is to encourage new research on #CrossBorder work, while promoting dialogue between science and policy in order to develop cross-border solutions for

🚨 Registration deadline: November 21st

🗣️Event:  "Cross-Border Work in Europe - Realities and challenges"

ℹ️ The aim is to encourage new research on #CrossBorder work, while promoting dialogue between science and policy in order to develop cross-border solutions for
Christian Wille (@ch_wille) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#CrossBorderMobilities – This morning, we had the official launch of the book “Cross-Border Work in Europe” 🇪🇺 with my dear colleagues & co-editors Franz Clement, Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth & Rachid Belkacem ➡️ dip into the new edited book shortn.at/6zAEe1NLU

#CrossBorderMobilities – This morning, we had the official launch of the book “Cross-Border Work in Europe” 🇪🇺 with my dear colleagues &amp; co-editors Franz Clement, Isabelle Pigeron-Piroth &amp; Rachid Belkacem
➡️ dip into the new edited book shortn.at/6zAEe1NLU
LISER's Dept. of Urban Development and Mobility (@liser_udm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔎 Le 15 avril 2024 a eu lieu le 'Séminaire économique - Une polarisation croissante des déplacements domicile-travail au #Luxembourg' , organisé par le STATEC, uni.lu et le LISER . ℹ️ Découvrez la vidéo du séminaire et plus d'informations: statistiques.public.lu/fr/actualites/…

🔎 Le 15 avril 2024 a eu lieu le 'Séminaire économique - Une polarisation croissante des déplacements domicile-travail au #Luxembourg' , organisé par le <a href="/STATEC/">STATEC</a>, <a href="/uni_lu/">uni.lu</a> et le <a href="/LISERinLUX/">LISER</a> .

ℹ️ Découvrez la vidéo du séminaire et plus d'informations: statistiques.public.lu/fr/actualites/…