Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile
Unagi Travel


Japan Travel Agency for Stuffed Animals. ぬいぐるみの為の旅行代理店ウナギトラベルです。 みんなと旅にす出ると、ノンフィクションは加速する。お客様はぬいぐるみ

ID: 175613149

calendar_today07-08-2010 02:54:12

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416 Following

Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning. The Eels are making a grocery list to go shopping. We are praying for the safety of everyone in Ishikawa Prefecture and Hokuriku. 🙏 おはようございます。スーパーの買い物リストを作成中のウナギ達です。 引き続き石川県、北陸の皆様のご無事をお祈りしています。

Good morning. The Eels are making a grocery list to go shopping.
We are praying for the safety of everyone in Ishikawa Prefecture and Hokuriku. 🙏
谷中 旅館 澤の屋 Ryokan Sawanoya (@ryokan_sawanoya) 's Twitter Profile Photo

おかえりなさい『えんぎやど』へ 開幕いたしました! エリカ・ワードさん、境貴雄さん、調香師コウさんの作品を展示いたしております。 本日は[アズラー撮影会]、エリカワードさんのライブペインティングも開催しております! ※入場無休 ぜひお越しください! honyashan.com/welcome/okaeri… #アート



Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There's still room for a Shinkansen seat in the Unagi House, right? 💺 ウナギハウスに新幹線の座席が入る余地はまだあるよNE?

There's still room for a Shinkansen seat in the Unagi House, right? 💺
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Welcome to the Shinkansen. 🚅 This is the NOZOMI super express bound for Shin-Osaka. This is fun. Goodnight. 今日も、新幹線をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。この電車は、のぞみ号、新大阪行きです。 これ楽しいNE. おやすみなさい。💺💺

Welcome to the Shinkansen. 🚅
This is the NOZOMI super express bound for Shin-Osaka.
This is fun. Goodnight.
これ楽しいNE. おやすみなさい。💺💺
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning. Today is Shubun no Hi, or the Autumnal Equinox, a national holiday in Japan. 🇯🇵 おはようございます。 今日は秋分の日。今日もウナギハウスにいる予定です。 We will be spending the day at the Unagi House. We continue to pray for everyone's safety. 🙏

Good morning. Today is Shubun no Hi, or the Autumnal Equinox, a national holiday in Japan. 🇯🇵

We will be spending the day at the Unagi House. We continue to pray for everyone's safety. 🙏
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mysterious eels will be served with plant-based mystery eel dish. It has a strong taste. 謎ウナギ達がプラントベースの謎鰻を頂きます。味が濃く感じますNE.

Mysterious eels will be served with plant-based mystery eel dish.
It has a strong taste.
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Someone might have pointed at us and said, “Aren't they eels?" 👉 We're heading home now! あれウナギ達じゃない?と指をさされたような気がします。今から帰途につきますNE.

Someone might have pointed at us and said, “Aren't they eels?"  👉
We're heading home now!
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The sweets we received from our customers and visitors to the exhibition are gradually making their way straight to the stomachs of the eels. 🍪 お客様方から、または展示会にいらした皆様から頂いた美味しいお菓子は少しずつウナギ達の胃の中へ直行しています。 We shared some of them

The sweets we received from our customers and visitors to the exhibition are gradually making their way straight to the stomachs of the eels. 🍪

We shared some of them
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning. We're surprised at how suddenly it's become chilly. Please take care! おはようございます。急に肌寒くなってきてびっくりしていますYO. 気をつけてお過ごしくださいね。

Good morning. We're surprised at how suddenly it's become chilly. Please take care!
おはようございます。急に肌寒くなってきてびっくりしていますYO. 気をつけてお過ごしくださいね。
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's been two weeks since the exhibition Unae-san ended. It will be quiet for a while, but we'll work hard behind the scenes! 展示会うなえさんが終わってからもう2週間。暫く静かになりますが、水面下ではヒレを動かすのじゃ!

It's been two weeks since the exhibition Unae-san ended.
It will be quiet for a while, but we'll work hard behind the scenes!
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Uncle Eel Farmer went shopping to relax. It looks like he's window shopping. 養鰻場のおじさんが息抜きにお買い物へ。ウィンドウショッピングをしているようです。

Uncle Eel Farmer went shopping to relax. It looks like he's window shopping.
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey everyone! Ura-chan has arrived safely back home in Tokyo. 🐢 浦ちゃんが無事に都内のご自宅に戻られました! Ura-chan got a racing wheelchair from OX Engineering. Good luck with the assembly!  Thank you for actively interacting with customers from Japan and overseas at the

Hey everyone! Ura-chan has arrived safely back home in Tokyo. 🐢

Ura-chan got a racing wheelchair from OX Engineering. Good luck with the assembly! 
Thank you for actively interacting with customers from Japan and overseas at the
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey everyone! Sister Godzilla has arrived safely back home in Mie Prefecture! 🔥 ゴジ姉が無事に三重県のご自宅に戻られました! Sister Godzilla's house is always lively. Taisho is carefully reading Unae-san's resume. Tanaka-san is very interested in the speed of Uncle Unakichi's

Hey everyone! Sister Godzilla has arrived safely back home in Mie Prefecture! 🔥

Sister Godzilla's house is always lively.
Taisho is carefully reading Unae-san's resume. Tanaka-san is very interested in the speed of Uncle Unakichi's
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The eels are drinking green tea while eating mitarashi dango at Unakichi's matcha bar. 🍡🍵 ウナギ達は鰻吉の抹茶バーでみたらし団子をシャクシャクしながら抹茶をズズズしています。

The eels are drinking green tea while eating mitarashi dango at Unakichi's matcha bar.
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Uncle Eel Farmer, you take big bites for someone so small. Goodnight! 🍎 養鰻場のおじさん、体が小さい割には一口が大きいNE. おやすみなさい!

Uncle Eel Farmer, you take big bites for someone so small. Goodnight! 🍎
養鰻場のおじさん、体が小さい割には一口が大きいNE. おやすみなさい!
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good morning. It's 23C/73F in Shibuya. Autumn is in the air. Happy Wednesday! おはようございます。渋谷の気温は23度。秋の気配を感じますNE! 皆様、良い一日を!

Good morning. It's 23C/73F in Shibuya. 
Autumn is in the air. Happy Wednesday!
おはようございます。渋谷の気温は23度。秋の気配を感じますNE! 皆様、良い一日を!
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We plan to stay inside all day today, so we'll go up to the rooftop now and then to take a deep breath. 今日は外出なくずっと中にいる予定なので、たまに屋上に出て深呼吸しようと思いますYO. スゥ~〇( 。)〇ハァ~〇( 0)〇深呼吸

We plan to stay inside all day today, so we'll go up to the rooftop now and then to take a deep breath.
スゥ~〇( 。)〇ハァ~〇( 0)〇深呼吸
Unagi Travel (@unagitravel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our appetites increase in autumn, and it is the season when eels taste delicious. 食欲の秋ですね。そして、鰻が美味しくなる季節ですNE? 🍙🍂🍙

Our appetites increase in autumn, and it is the season when eels taste delicious.
食欲の秋ですね。そして、鰻が美味しくなる季節ですNE? 🍙🍂🍙