EER at Michigan
ID: 892040238071246852
http://eer.engin.umich.edu 31-07-2017 15:12:20
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I'm finally catching up on the ASEE Prism magazine from Fall'23, and I'm excited to see EER at Michigan colleague-friends featured! cindy.finelli re: achieving a diverse engineering workforce; Karin Jensen re: faculty mental health. Grateful for their contributions!

Yay, Emma Emma R. Dodoo ! Hope you and Dr. Ethel Tshukudu have a great time!

The MARS Dialogues (hosted by U-M Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences + @michiganaero & led by Aaron W. Johnson Aditi Verma Mackenzie Warwick & Elizabeth Strehl) was honored w/an MLK Spirit Award. @umich + Michigan Engineering students are invited to join the 2/2 discussion. Register: myumi.ch/n7593

MARS dialogue is a great imitative and this is a terrific honor for Aaron W. Johnson and his team!

Hour of Code was a SUCCESS! 200 schools across BW participated. My class had no programming experience but by the end of HoC, their interest PEAKED! It was so AMAZING. Thank you to all that made it possible CSEdBotswana Dr. Ethel Tshukudu Mark Guzdial /Fay-lee-nuh/ EER at Michigan Katharine Childs

Thank you for hosting me Dr. Sarah Wilson ! Thank you UKY Chemical and Materials Engineering for the warm welcome to campus this week. I enjoyed meeting with students, staff, and faculty!

Xiaping Li congrats on your award-winning poster, Xiaping Li ! Repping EER at Michigan & I think Mike Morrison would approve of your better poster!

robin fowler EER at Michigan Mike Morrison Thank you, Robin! It’s been a pleasure working with you on Tandem project 🫶🏼

New research from UMSI: Everyday Equitable Data Literacy is Best in Social Studies Tamara L. Shreiner, Mark Guzdial Mark Guzdial taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/…

“Engineers cannot simply focus on innovation while turning a blind eye to how the technologies they create will impact people’s lives" cindy.finelli ece.engin.umich.edu/stories/engine…

My journey to engineering education research started at the Tufts CEEO, and I am eternally grateful for the awesome people there who gave me the opportunity and knowledge to start out in this field! And reconnecting with everyone is always one of the highlights of #ASEE.