April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile
April Hines


Journalism and Mass Communications Librarian @uflibrarywest at @uflib & @UF. Proud @UFJSchool grad.

ID: 1668178345

calendar_today13-08-2013 15:54:06

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April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here UF Libraries we are hiring undergraduate library advisors to help with library outreach, marketing, and promotion and I would LOVE to see a UF College of Journalism and Communications student get one of these positions. You all would be perfect for it! hr.uflib.ufl.edu/wordpress/file…

Here <a href="/uflib/">UF Libraries</a> we are hiring undergraduate library advisors to help with library outreach, marketing, and promotion and I would LOVE to see a <a href="/UFJSchool/">UF College of Journalism and Communications</a>
student get one of these positions. You all would be perfect for it! hr.uflib.ufl.edu/wordpress/file…
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FB just reminded me with this photo that 11 years ago I taught my first research session for a UF College of Journalism and Communications class. I had never been in that building before and had no idea it was a huge lecture hall. I remember thinking "here goes nothing." I have taught hundreds of classes since.

FB just reminded me with this photo that 11 years ago I taught my first research session for a <a href="/UFJSchool/">UF College of Journalism and Communications</a> class. I had never been in that building before and had no idea it was a huge lecture hall. I remember thinking "here goes nothing." I have taught hundreds of classes since.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So the below photo reminded me of this photo which reminded me of another photo from our "50 years of the Independent Florida Alligator exhibit" and I just love what an amazing legacy The Alligator has...

So the below photo reminded me of this photo which reminded me of another photo from our "50 years of the Independent Florida Alligator exhibit" and I just love what an amazing legacy <a href="/TheAlligator/">The Alligator</a> has...
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The SEC Nation folks are setting up in front of UF Libraries as we speak, and that means it's time for my annual sharing of one of my favorite crowd signs ever.

The SEC Nation folks are setting up in front of <a href="/uflib/">UF Libraries</a> as we speak, and that means it's time for my annual sharing of one of my favorite crowd signs ever.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're entering the 2nd week of the semester - Teaching faculty, have you scheduled a research session with your librarian yet? Here is an example of the kinds of sessions I conducted in just one week last semester. And most librarians I know teach even cooler custom workshops.

We're entering the 2nd week of the semester - Teaching faculty, have you scheduled a research session with your librarian yet? Here is an example of the kinds of sessions I conducted in just one week last semester. And most librarians I know teach even cooler custom workshops.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was reading an old Chronicle of Higher Ed article I came across and this line made my LOL: "I recently received an email about a workshop on teaching "today's students" (as if we had a choice and could teach yesterday's)."

April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Something that makes me laugh. 10 years ago I was seeing all these presentations about the “campus beyond walls” and everyone was talking about how MOOCs were going to take over - and cut to 2024 and it seems like there is a new fancy building popping up every time I turn around.

Something that makes me laugh. 10 years ago I was seeing all these presentations about the “campus beyond walls” and everyone was talking about how MOOCs were going to take over - and cut to 2024 and it seems like there is a new fancy building popping up every time I turn around.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new recreational reading section at Lib West with popular novels and best sellers is so beautiful and is launching at the exact same time I have started to read for fun again. I’ve really enjoyed reconnecting with that part of myself. ❤️

Our new recreational reading section at Lib West with popular novels and best sellers is so beautiful and is launching at the exact same time I have started to read for fun again. I’ve really enjoyed reconnecting with that part of myself. ❤️
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just taught a research session for graduate students wearing a friendship bracelet and mermaid mood ring because I’m a professional.

Just taught a research session for graduate students wearing a friendship bracelet and mermaid mood ring because I’m a professional.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You know you are a nerdy comm librarian when see a promo sticker on a package of snack cakes and then run to a market research database to confirm that yes, people who consume Little Debbie products are twice as likely than the general population to go to Dollywood.

You know you are a nerdy comm librarian when see a promo sticker on a package of snack cakes and then run to a market research database to confirm that yes, people who consume Little Debbie products are twice as likely than the general population to go to Dollywood.
April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My 10-year-old is such a librarian’s kid. We were looking up a book for him in the online library catalog at the public library when I said “You know, I help college students all the time who have never done this before.” He looked at me like I lost my mind. 🤣🤣

April Hines (@ufcjclibrarian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When “words of affirmation” is your love language and you discover than an entire class each wrote you a personalized thank you card after you did a research session for them. 😭😍

When “words of affirmation” is your love language and you discover than an entire class each wrote you a personalized thank you card after you did a research session for them. 😭😍