Tzeghereda Habtu (@tzegheredahabtu) 's Twitter Profile
Tzeghereda Habtu


ID: 3152529425

calendar_today09-04-2015 19:13:50

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606 Following

Reena Ghelani (@rghelani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Impressed by what I saw in Eritrea: rejuvenated forests, increased variety of safe & nutritious foods, renewable energy sources and water projects. There is a lot to learn from the way Government & partners are investing to protect the environment and build community resilience.

Impressed by what I saw in Eritrea: rejuvenated forests, increased variety of safe & nutritious foods, renewable energy sources and water projects.

There is a lot to learn from the way Government & partners are investing to protect the environment and build community resilience.
ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kulturfestivalen 2024 Stockholm, #Eritrea Kulturfestival besökarna har fÄtt uppleva en fantastisk mÄngfald av konst, musik, dans, litteratur och sÄ mycket mer. Varje ögonblick har varit en hyllning till kreativitet, mÄngfald och gemenskap. #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bred, inkluderande och engagerande kulturevenemang samt en vital nyckel till ökad integration. Kulturfestivalen 2024 Stockholm, #Eritrea #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kulturell aktivitet Àr nÄgot som skapar möten mellan mÀnniskor, som förenar mÀnniskor, skaparkopplingar och Àr identitetsskapande. Kulturfestivalen 2024 Stockholm, #Eritrea #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kultur Àr ettuniversellt sprÄk och möten genom dans, konst, musik och teater skapar delaktighet oavsett sprÄknivÄ. VÄr kulturfestival bidrar positivt till integrationen och dÀrför Àr kultur i alla dess former en vital nyckel till ökad integration. #STHLM #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Inspirerande och livlig kulturfestival som drivs av volontÀrer! Kulturfestivalen drivs av frivillig engagerade funktionÀrer och ideella föreningar. Kulturfestivalen 2024 Stockholm, #Eritrea #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

ZT (@shidenay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vi har sett hur kulturen kan förena oss, oavsett vÄra bakgrunder och erfarenheter. Vi har delat stunder av skratt, dans, eftertanke och inspiration. Kulturfestivalen 2024 #Stockholm #Sweden #Eritrea #jÀrva #svenskeritreaner

Tzeghereda Habtu (@tzegheredahabtu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

”In the face of increasing climate-related threats, the Government of Eritrea is leading the way with sustainable and integrated approaches to strengthening community resilience and adaptation.” #Eritrea #UN #SDGs

Tzeghereda Habtu (@tzegheredahabtu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

”The National Eritrean Festival 2024, by marrying the past with the present and integrating global voices with local stories, stands as not just an event but as a celebration of Eritrean culture, identity, and unity.” #EritreaFestival2024 #Eritrea

ⓉⓃ (@tesfanews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TIGRAY ― Rape crimes in #Tigray are committed by our own people, and it's time to stop hiding this reality because it's a fact. As a government official, the reports reaching me and [Gen.] Tadesse are deeply troubling. We cannot reform our institutions by hiding this truth out of

Lidl Deutschland Tour (@deinetour) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a day for team Team BIKE AID and their đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡· climber Dawit Yemane who has conquered the KOM jersey of #deinetour! đŸ™ŒđŸ»đŸ˜źâ€đŸ’š Check out this re-live racing action and some podium impressions. 🍿 Enjoy the moment, Dawit! 👑 #deinetour #deinetourlohntsich #eritrea #cycling

FikreJesus, PhD (@fikrejesus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

-While some have tried to dress it up & provide a fig leaf of seeming legitimacy, the true nature of this group has been clear all along -These attacks can only be condemned in the strongest terms. Those failing to do so are only aiding & abetting terror

ECA (@eca_official) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and @ClaverGatete visited the zero-energy gravity-powered irrigation system in #Asmara: A testament to Eritrea's commitment to sustainable solutions. #ActionForClimate #Eritrea

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and @ClaverGatete visited the zero-energy gravity-powered irrigation system in #Asmara: A testament to Eritrea's commitment to sustainable solutions. #ActionForClimate #Eritrea
Tzeghereda Habtu (@tzegheredahabtu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Eritrea’s zero-energy, gravity-powered, irrigation system is a testament to the country’s commitment to integrated sustainable approaches to water, energy, irrigation, and agriculture to advance food security.” - ECA Claver Gatete #Eritrea

Eugene Puryear (@eugenepuryear) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In advance of the 9th FOCAC Summit, Eritrean President Afwerki met w/Chinese President Xi to “deepen cooperation in energy, infrastructure, agriculture and other fields.” Afwerki noted cooperation w/China will help AU development, & build resistance to colonialism & hegemony.

ⓉⓃ (@tesfanews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

❝Eritrea: From Victim to a Key Player in the Geopolitics of the Horn❞ A MUST READ paper presented on the Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue on “Justice, Development and the Geopolitics of the Horn” that was held here in Asmara from 4th–6th September 2024. âˆč

❝Eritrea: From Victim to a Key Player in the Geopolitics of the Horn❞

A MUST READ paper presented on the Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue on “Justice, Development and the Geopolitics of the Horn” that was held here in Asmara from 4th–6th September 2024.

Yemane G. Meskel đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡· (@hawelti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yet another grotesquely familiar howl from US Congressman Brad Sherman against Eritrea. Clueless as he is about the history and current reality in the region, Sherman has the audacity to speak/feign concern about "the freedom of the Eritrean people". He must be reminded

Yet another grotesquely familiar howl from US Congressman Brad Sherman against Eritrea.  

Clueless as he is about the history and current reality in the region, Sherman has the audacity to speak/feign concern about "the freedom of the Eritrean people".  

He must be reminded
Amb. Sophia Tesfamariam (@ambstesfamariam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yemane G. Meskel đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡· Presented as campaign contributions, these payments are tantamount to bribes for favors. These corrupt behaviors by lawmakers affects the credibility and integrity of their offices and that of the Congress/Senate. Corrupt politicians endanger all, especially the people of #Africa

Edo (@uk_edo1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2023 utsattes den fridfulla eritreanska kulturfestivalen för en terrorist attack av #BirgednHamedu med urspung i #Tigray/Etiopien. Nu Ă„talas flera av dessa och man kan bara hoppas att resterande snart möter samma öde!