Twinsburg Athletics
Brian Fantone, Athletic Director, Twinsburg City School District
ID: 1650838525 06-08-2013 17:26:22
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A HUGE THANK YOU to all who helped to make our Senior Night such a special event last night, Thank you to our amazing soccer PARENTS and FAMILIES, to T.J. Powell & FocusPix for the coverage and pictures, to Twinsburg Athletics for organizing a big day of Tiger Soccer, and
to Twinsburg Soccer and J. Rader for all the awesome support from the boys soccer & volleyball teams!! Fantastic to see so many student-athletes at the stadium last night, to Matt Cellura for the match commentary, and to Mr. Kirtley and his crew for streaming the match!
Full set of photos from Twinsburg Athletics LadyTigersSoccer v Gilmour Athletics Gilmour Academy Girls Soccer Matches, V & JV, are online at… Free to download and share, please tag for credit. THS Kathryn Powers Twinsburg City School District
The Paint Crew came out last night to support the Twinsburg Athletics LadyTigersSoccer at Senior Night. See all the Paint Crew photos in their own album at… THS Kathryn Powers Twinsburg City School District
Saturday, 4 Soccer Games, XC, and 2 Senior Nights. Sunday processing and posting photos. Everything is up now! You can check this link for an index of all events this school year.… Twinsburg Athletics LadyTigersSoccer Twinsburg Soccer
Only 2 chances left! 9/14 8-10 a.m. & 10/14 2:30-4:30 @ Venditti's in Bedford. Your senior THS Yearbook picture taken FREE! No appointment needed. Don't forget! We want to include all THS seniors this year. See the attached letter for details. Twinsburg Athletics Kathryn Powers
- Lutheran West Athletics at Geneva Athletics - WestlakeDemons at LakewoodHS Athletics - Elder Panthers at St. Edward Athletics - Kenston Athletics at VASJ Vikings Athletics - OFalls Bulldogs at North Ridgeville Athletics - Wadsworth Athletics at Twinsburg Athletics - B.R. Athletics at Wellington Sports
A huge shoutout and THANK YOU to Twinsburg Cheer who spent their evening with the residents of Grande Village Nursing Home here in Twinsburg at their chili cookoff event! An awesome way to give back to this great community we live in! Well done ladies!!!!!
Get those vote in for your favorite matchup ⤵️ WestlakeDemons vs. LakewoodHS Athletics MentorAthletics vs. @Medinaathletics Stow High Athletics vs. Hudson Athletics Wadsworth Athletics vs. Tigers Football
Shooting the Twinsburg Athletics Twinsburg Soccer v NHS Athletics boys soccer games tonight.
Congratulations Twinsburg Soccer on a 5-0 victory over Nordonia tonight! Great job Tigers!!
Week 4 Conference Matchups in the Suburban League National Division BEES ATHLETICS Hudson Athletics NHS Athletics NRoyalton Athletics Comet Athletics SMFSports Twinsburg Athletics Wadsworth Athletics Suburban League