TWHS Basketball
Official Twitter page of the Thomas Worthington Cardinals Boys' Basketball Team
ID: 2193099056
13-11-2013 23:08:36
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Jersey of the Day at Youth Camp! Jared Sullinger Sr. TWHS Athletics Worthington Schools

...and that's a wrap on the 2024 Youth Basketball Camp!!! TWHS Athletics Worthington Schools

Congratulations to Matthew Welsh for being named the next Athletic Director at Gahanna Lincoln High School. Thank you for your service and dedication to Thomas Worthington HS! Worthington Schools #ItsWorthIt Cardinal Crazies

Wrapped up camp season with our MS Camp yesterday. Great group with some very skilled players. Huge shoutout to Coach Jordan Cowgill for directing camp and coaches Meredith (Worthingway Cardinals Athletics) & Smith (Kilbourne Athletics) for working with our young Cardinals! TWHS Athletics Worthington Schools

Congratulations goes out to this week's Captains Nick Zalewski Grey Kegley Tucker Seyfang JaeVon Lamb TWHS Football

Team 6 standouts from #PHExpoOH julian johnson Jason Singleton Marcus Hemphill Makai Law Zander Marlow Analysis by Michael Roth found 👇 prephoops.com/2024/09/prep-h…

All showcase team from #PHExpoOH Tyler Owens 6’9 2026 julian johnson Cooper Hughes Landon Johnson DeArion Holley Brody prephoops.com/2024/09/all-sh…

2026 standouts from week 2 of Midwest Basketball Club - Grassroots fall league Dryden McCoy TWHS Basketball Jeremiah Russell Caleb O’Neil Hartley Basketball SiR Brody Willis Nick DeWeese Grove City High School Boys Basketball Analysis by Michael Roth found 👇 prephoops.com/2024/09/midwes…

Thomas Worthington senior guard Julian Johnson SHOWED OUT at the HIDDEN GEMS BASKETBALL Showcase on Sunday He talks about his game, the upcoming season for the Cardinals and his recruitment julian johnson