Kylie Youkhana
ICT Teacher Mentor in SW Sydney. Certified Google Educator, #AppleTeacher, Microsoft Innovative Educator, @Seesaw Ambassador All views expressed are my own.
ID: 855897923464306688
22-04-2017 21:35:41
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Setting up team expectations supports effective and efficient PBL Team meetings. Everyone on the same page! Yasmin Ibrahim Rebecca Haeren Karen mulder SHARON Kylie Youkhana Stephanie Williams

WFPS assembly, complete with awards and assembly item on our school Facebook page. Another strategy so that everyone feels connected. DoE Regional South Directorate Melanie Macmillan Murat Dizdar Kylie Youkhana Lili dcruz SHARON

I work with legends Warwick Farm PS. Here is our teacher assembly item that we filmed for our virtual assembly. A little fun to finish the biggest term of our careers! DoE Regional South Directorate Melanie Macmillan Murat Dizdar NSW Dept of Education youtu.be/0D_DLZ4KfXM

PBL Team Meeting expectations! Developed to support team meetings! Clearly stated expections are not just for students! Rebecca Haeren Stephanie Williams SHARON Kylie Youkhana Yasmin Ibrahim @JenniferYoukha3 Karissa Pedron Brendan Sexty Susan Smith

An amazing day of Instructional Learning Rounds Warwick Farm PS through Zoom! Thank you Annette Udall for your support and thank you to all who shared in the learning. #iroundsnsw Melanie Macmillan Lili dcruz Karen mulder SHARON Kylie Youkhana Trish colley Megan McCabe

Tech overload haha. I had a fantastic day celebrating the learning Warwick Farm PS I can’t wait to implement some of the strategies we discussed to improve student learning #iroundsnsw

Edutech day 1 - I am really excited about all of the new Microsoft tools! Great presentation Megan Townes

Change your beliefs, change the future. Empower your students. @marcprensky I am ready for another big day of EDUtech Australia day 2!

Our school has just recently learned the extraordinary value of Microsoft. We are currently giving our library a complete refurb and a Surface hub would be a fantastic addition to support student learning and collaboration. #SurfaceForSchools #EduTECHAU Warwick Farm PS

I am so proud of everyone in the Lawrence Hargrave school band that came to perform at Warwick Farm PS today. I am especially proud of one my former students who also performed today! I’m not ashamed to say I even shed a tear!