The Triangle region's ONLY parenting publication!
ID: 1544884100716191744
07-07-2022 03:21:32
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Send your photos for our 🎅🏻 Social Kids: Holiday Edition page! ☃️ 👶🏽 A photo of your child (ages 0-18) + tell us: ❄️ Their first name and age 📍 The town in which you live 🎄 Your favorite holiday tradition Send in the highest resolution possible to [email protected].

Ready to 🎃 carve 🎃 out some time for spooky fun? The 📚 BOOOOOkmobile visits libraries in October, 🦉 Halloween Hoot brings storytime to local branches + adults can enjoy the spooky season with 👻 Haunted Carolina. 📷 Wake Libraries wake.gov/events

🪺🐰UPDATE! 🐰🪺 TownofCary’s egg hunt has changed to the USA Baseball National Training Complex, NOT WakeMed Soccer Park as we listed in the March/April issue of Triangle Family. Registration and information can be found here: carync.gov/recreation-enj…