Travis Carter
Assistant Prof @USFCriminology | PhD @michiganstateu | BS @uiowa | I study policing, crime, and how they impact communities. | All tweets are my own opinion. |
ID: 2427770137
https://www.travisstudiescrime.com/ 04-04-2014 19:41:40
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🚨Job Alert 🚨 Assistant Professor Cybercrime/Cybersecurity MSU School of Criminal Justice. Help shape the future of cybercrime research & education in the School of Criminal Justice @ Michigan State University! #cybersecurity #cybercrime Apply by Sept 2, 2024! Position starts Aug 2025. Amer Soc of Crim

Dr. Travis Carter discussing our #RCT with Jed Knode and Grace Henry on trying to reduce traffic stop racial disparities. Huge thanks to CEBCP at Mason for the opportunity and awesome symposium this year!

🚨New pub, now open access in Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. In a large experiment amongst US #police chiefs and #sheriffs, we provide accurate state level public opinion data and elite peer data on civilian review boards (CRBs). In this contentious policy area, what moves police executive

✍️ Hot off the presses in the journal, #Criminology: "Pulling back the veil of darkness: A proposed road map to disentangle racial disparities in traffic stops, a research note." Jedidiah L. Knode, Scott E. Wolfe, Travis M. Carter Amer Soc of Crim onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

What better way to kick off my first "official" day at University of South Florida than to spend part of it at a farm sanctuary? 🐂🤘

Our paper on using BWCs to study rare events in policing is open to all thru the end of 2024 courtesy of the J. of Crime & Justice. Download while you can! (with Julie Hibdon and Michael Kyle, Ph.D. ). tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

In a new article we show that Institutional Anomie Theory, with its focus on the interplay between social institutions and culture, is an extraordinary framework for explaining societies’ level of corruption. W/ Rick Moule, Alexander Testa & D. Weiss. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…

“Large, precise claims without evidence are an excellent place to situate an experiment.” Whether he is talking about 👮♀️ research, practice, or policy, Ian T. Adams always shares a thing (or two) we can learn from! sc.edu/study/colleges…