Transition Justice
If you or someone you love has been harmed by gender medicine, you are not alone. Seek legal assistance at transitionjustice.org
ID: 1536488415092514816
http://www.transitionjustice.org 13-06-2022 23:25:49
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Our sister organization Partners for Ethical Care (PEC) is hosting a detransition discussion panel going on right now! Check out the livestream here:

In the face of opposition, with confidence and grace, we were honored to stand with fearless faces together with Sarah Smith NM of New Mexico Freedoms Alliance reminding the passersby in Santa Fe that the gender industry is preying upon our most vulnerable citizens, and we intend

Are detransitioners and others who question the efficacy of experimental and harmful gender procedures denying trans people's right to exist? 🦎 SOREN!!! shares her perspective at a recent panel of detransitioners hosted by our sister organization, Partners for Ethical Care (PEC) .

Can transition really be "successful" if healthy body parts are destroyed in the process? Detransitioners 🦎 SOREN!!! and Laura Becker🦎 share their perspectives at a recent panel hosted by our sister organization, Partners for Ethical Care (PEC) .

While radical TRAs claim that there is no social contagion affecting our children, detransitioners like Nicolas Blooms recall how watching trans influencers' content on social media strongly encouraged them to reject their bodies and seek medical interventions to change them.

What is behind the push for radical transgender body modification? Detransitioner Laura Becker🦎 suggests a spiritual, antihuman agenda fueling it. #transhumanism

TRAs argue that it takes years of therapy to obtain cross-sex hormones or receive gender surgeries. Why then, are so many young women reporting they were prescribed hormones and even surgery after 1 visit with Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood, are you aware of the harm you're doing?