simple kid
Simple Kid is a musician based in Hastings UK.
ID: 1553040540152782850
29-07-2022 15:31:56
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371 Takipçi
15 Takip Edilen

April is upon us! Time to gear up for live shows. So many songs now... Anyone got ideas for a good set list? The Grand Social Cyprus Avenue Singular Artists FORM Regular Music The Lexington Stereo YES

SK stares back at me, daring me, taunting me..."Not long now" he whispers...#CyprusAveCork #TGSDublin The Lexington Stereo Singular Artists YES FORM Regular Music

4 hour rehearsal tonight...Set list sorted! Tired but excited now... so, brush teeth, off to bed to dream about harmonicas, laptops, guitars and jump suits... Cyprus Avenue The Grand Social Singular Artists YES Stereo The Lexington FORM Regular Music

And we're off. Let the public transport gods be good to me. See ya soon Dublin and Cork! Cyprus Avenue Singular Artists The Grand Social

Sound check a go-go! Looking forward to tonight in Cyprus Avenue. Last night was so much fun The Grand Social. You'll never get me back to work after this Singular Artists Cyprus Avenue

Job done! Such a great weekend, amazing crowds, old friends, couple of new ones, and got to finally play in front of my mum n dad. Thanks so much everybody who came out to play, it means a lot! Cyprus Avenue The Grand Social Singular Artists

London The Lexington what a great end to the mini tour! So many familiar faces and lots of new ones...here's the pic I took from the stage 😀😂. Thank you so much to everyone involved in setting it up Singular Artists FORM

Soundcheck done for the last Simple Kid show for a while. If you're near Róisín Dubh come down and say hi. Singular Artists

Amazing times Róisín Dubh Galway last night. Thank you so much everyone who came along - very special! Here's the quality photo I took of you all 😅. Let's not leave it another 17 years!