Rachael Mann
Keynote Speaker | Author | Director of Member Engagement @NCLA_CTE | Top 30 @TopGlobalGurus | 🐕🦺 🐕🦺🚲🎾
ID: 2392892558
http://yournextkeynotespeaker.com 16-03-2014 15:35:31
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Great way to start the day- woke up to a message from Ken Shelton letting me know that Pack Your Bags for an AI-Driven Future is the #1 new release in STEM education books! Wow! Thank you, Ken, for sharing this exciting news, and a big thanks to everyone for your support. #AIinEdu
Serendipitous that my wonderful friend Rachael Mann and I are both presenting at Nebraska Career Ed this week! Always a joy to connect and catch-up!!✨ Check out her new book, Pack Your Bags for an AI-Driven Future! amazon.com/Pack-Your-Bags…
Heading to Arkansas to keynote the 2024 Arkansas ACTE Conference. If you're attending, let's connect! #Careerteched #CTE #AI
BuckeyeCareerCenter Ohio Association of Career Tech Superintendents Ohio Technical Centers Loved the opportunity to share! Rachael Mann makes things so easy. Ohio is a leader in CTE!
Ohio Association of Career Tech Superintendents This was so much fun. Thank you Ohio Association of Career Tech Superintendents Ohio Technical Centers Rachael Mann for allowing me to share and represent BuckeyeCareerCenter as well as the importance of Lifelong and continued learning!