ICYMI: PATH went big this #WorldMalariaDay. Helped #Malawi introduce the world’s first #malariavaccine. Welcomed $4.3M investment in #VisualizeNoMalaria. Launched new effort with @MedsForMalaria to help end relapsing malaria. Thanks to our partners working to #endmalaria
The #malaria vaccine RTS,S has been designed and launched specifically to help young children in Africa. "I think that's a really important milestone in vaccine development and introduction," says PATH’s Deborah Atherly. npr.org/sections/goats… Michaeleen Doucleff, PhDNPR
I'm grateful to have attended State of Womxn of Color Summit today Тyler Collective. A powerful event!
#StateofWomxnofColor #FutureForUs #Community #Equity #thecollective #seattle lnkd.in/g6t8jVz
Even accounting for other risk factors, this new study still shows higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Black communities. path.org/articles/new-c… via PATH