Marie glattetre
ID: 1828357250588504064
27-08-2024 09:02:04
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Nice Try, Avi Nir-Feldklein As Gaza drowns in blood and Palestinians are massacred, Israel’s ambassador in Oslo trots out a hollow tale of “compassion.” No one’s buying it. A single act won’t erase the mass killing. The world sees the truth behind the lies.
israeli Ambassador in Oslo ! Avi Nir-Feldklein Oh, please, keep telling us how you’re the eternal victim! How the whole world is against you, and you’re so ‘righteous.’ Go on, scream it louder! All while the bombs fall, children die, and your ‘righteousness’ paints the streets red.
Conrad Myrland how much money you get from Israel to be their little b*tch in Norway spreading propaganda ?
Conrad Myrland How much the Israel embassy pays you in order to be their little b*tch in norway ?
Aviva Klompas Oh, of course, how could anyone overlook the tragedy of six hostages in the midst of flattening an entire region, displacing millions, and turning Gaza into a literal graveyard? Silly us for not prioritizing six over a hundred thousand. Clearly, basic math and human decency don’t
Eli Afriat 🇮🇱🎗 A plaster! Oh, the humanity! Truly, no greater gesture has ever washed away the crimes of flattening entire neighborhoods in Gaza or beating and sniping unarmed civilians in the West Bank. Forget the bombs, the shootings, the land theft—this plaster is the real peace process. I’m
Rep. Jake Auchincloss 🟧 AIPAC Oh, the courage it must take to stand up for ‘freedom and justice’… with a cool half a million dollars from AIPAC in your back pocket! Truly inspiring! I’m sure your fight for ‘humanity’ and ‘peace’ would be just as strong without all that lobby cash, right? Who needs integrity
AIPAC Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Oh, the ‘sincerity’ of negotiations! While Netanyahu plays games with hostage deals for political spin, and Israel detains 10,000 Palestinians, including children, without charge in torture prisons, we’re supposed to shed crocodile tears over six hostages while 180,000
Espen Barth Eide Mens vi ser 39 flere palestinere drept på Vestbredden i dag og utallige andre under konstant trussel, er det klart at denne brutaliteten ikke kan fortsette ukontrollert. Norge har et ansvar for å stå frem og fordømme disse grusomhetene, og bruke sin plattform til å kreve en
Eylon Levy You seem to tally up Hamas and others as if the more you label and destroy, the closer you get to ‘peace,’ like it’s some kind of twisted game. But let’s take a moment to reflect: if wiping out every so-called ‘terrorist’ is the key to peace, why does the bloodshed never end?
Norway MFA Israeli Knesset Member Tally Gotliv (Likud) has called for execution or life imprisonment of Yuli Novak, head of B’Tselem (israeli human rights NGO), following her speech at the UNSC. Israel solution to criticism of war crimes and human rights violations is not debate or
Norway MFA FN-sambandet Norges Røde Kors Tax Justice Norge Amnesty Norway Norsk Folkehjelp Leger Uten Grenser Kirkens Nødhjelp Redd Barna Espen Barth Eide Anne Beathe Tvinnereim It’s in Norway’s hand. The largest commercial killer of whales in the world, the meat is poisoned, it damages their environment ( research by their own universities) but they can’t stop killing