Jed Diekfuss, PhD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics @EmoryUniversity @Emory_SPARC | Interested in motor learning, muskuloskeletal pain, sports injury, and neuroplasticity 🧠
ID: 55022804
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/jed.diekfuss.1/bibliography/public/ 08-07-2009 20:44:45
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Congratulations to Tessa Hulburt for receiving the prestigious GCMAS Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award. Thank you Susmita Kashikar-Zuck Cincinnati Children's for all you do to support these projects. Emory Sports Performance And Research Center Emory Musculoskeletal Research Emory University

▶️ ”Applying the Visual-Cognitive Chaos Continuum during ACL-R” Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS et al, 2024 📂 jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo…

Great study from Svenja illien-Junger (they/them) and team!

Please join us for a virtual presentation by visiting scientist #ACL 🦵biomechanics expert Brian Pietrosimone August 8th 2:00PM EST.

🚨 Published online early from @AJSM_SportsMed an exciting paper let by Camryn Petit examining Quad Tendon Autograft in ACLR 🦵 The pubmed link is here: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39097771/

SPARC is well represented at #ASB2024 today by April McPherson, PhD presenting on changes in 🦵🏼 biomechanics following 🧠

Kudos April McPherson, PhD TM Zuleger, Kim Barber Foss PhD LAT ATC SM Warren, Jed Diekfuss, PhD Greg Myer for "Does Neuromuscular Training Reduce the Risk of Lower-Extremity Musculoskeletal..." Emory Sports Performance And Research Center Emory Sports Medicine Emory Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Emory Surgery Emory School of Medicine tinyurl.com/zmwr4p6k

See our exciting new paper by Allen Champagne showing the importance of spin lock time selection when utilizing #T1rho, and the complementary potential for #quantitativesusceptibilitymapping to evaluate #articularcartiliage health. #MRI #osteoarthiritis. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Our #GIVES Virtual Reality program is expanding, targeting injury prevention among #Georgia high school students thanks to support from Hall County Schools and Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation. HUGE shout out to our Student support from Hall County WBL! 🫶Watch the full video: 11alive.com/article/news/h…

Differential neural mechanisms for movement adaptations following neuromuscular training in young female athletes w… pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39154844/ Emory Sports Performance And Research Center

Full text of our latest paper led by Taylor Matthew Ryan exploring the neuroplasticity of neuromuscular training in pediatric female athletes with concussion history: authors.elsevier.com/c/1jepD15hTtyy… OMNI Emory Sports Performance And Research Center OU Physical Therapy OHIO College of Health Sciences & Professions BobcatsDiscover

Please check out a great new publication by Taylor Matthew Ryan demonstrating distinct movement-related brain changes following #neuromusculartraining in athletes with a history of sports-related #concussion #fMRI #biomechanics 🧠🏃 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

On this episode, we talk with Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS from UCF. She discusses the interesting topic of visual cognitive progression following ACLR. As part of the discussion, she covers her recent paper from JOSPT Community #aclrecovery #acl #pt #neuro #neuroplasticity #visualcognitive #ortho

Free to read! Does Neuromuscular Training Reduce the Risk of Lower-Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury in High School Female Athletes With a History of Sport-Related Concussion? ⚽️🏐🏀 doi.org/10.1123/jsr.20… @AMcPhersonPHD Greg Myer @jed_diekfuss Kim Barber Foss PhD LAT ATC Emory Sports Performance And Research Center