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11-05-2020 19:58:34
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For those doing computer science @AreWhs Whitmore High School Miss Sutton Cardiff Met Uni are organising: The Virtual Hackathon Challenge Friday 12th June 9am-3pm Check out google classroom for more details
This is fantastic from my year 10 computing class. Well done Jack so proud . Mrs Clark @AreWhs Whitmore High School Miss Sutton
Some really good resources here to use ICT/Computing@whitmore
To all year 8 Whitmore High School looking for work, 2 lovely spreadsheet lessons have been added to google classroom, check your progress and learning after each with the evaluation quizzes Happy Learning Year 8. Mrs Clark @AreWhs Miss Sutton
Excellent python coding from Year 7 Whitmore High School using loops in logo. Very impressed today with their effort and enthusiasm. Miss Sutton @AreWhs
Wishing everyone at Whitmore High School a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Key Stage 3 Christmas task this week was a have a go at Adobe Spark. Some excellent pieces of work. ICT/Computing@whitmore
Great to meet assistant Headteacher Mark Kennedy of Whitmore High School today to hear about his 2021 Extreme Challenge to raise money & awareness for the wellbeing of children in Barry! Wonderful to hear of the support Mark & colleagues have provided for pupils in these difficult times
Da iawn year 8! @AreWhs Whitmore High School ICT/Computing@whitmore
Congratulations to all of our amazing 6th form. Big shout out to all the Computer Science and Ict students who have done so amazing. Well done and good luck to you all for the future. Mrs Clark @AreWhs Barry 6th Form - Whitmore High School
We’re still working hard this afternoon in our Easter holiday sessions Whitmore High School with our 6th Form students in Art, Product Design & ICT/Computing. #WorkHard #Resilience #Responsibility #Respect WhitmoreHighArt Whitmore High DT ICT/Computing@whitmore Barry 6th Form - Whitmore High School
Well done to year 11 for an excellent morning of computer science revision Whitmore High Progress and Learning
Just a reminder for year 11, 12 and 13 Miss Sutton and Mrs Clark will be available tomorrow 9am onwards for coursework catch-up. Also business revison will be available Wednesday and Thursday 9am-12 with Mr Robinson. Whitmore High Progress and Learning
Well done to year 11 and 13 for another positive day of ICT coursework catch-up and Business revision. Whitmore High Progress and Learning Whitmore High School
Well done to year 12 today with good progress being made towards their coursework. Whitmore High Progress and Learning Whitmore High School
A reminder for year 11, 12 and year 13. ICT revision Wed 12th April for year 11 with Miss Sutton. Thurs 13th April an extra added session for year 12 and 13 with Mrs Clark. Business revision with Mr Williams on Wed 12th April for year11. Whitmore High Progress and Learning Whitmore High School Mrs Thomas