High North News
International newspaper located in Bodø, Norway. Together with our correspondents we bring you news, analysis and debate about politics & business in the North.
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http://highnorthnews.com 15-01-2014 18:00:38
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Did you catch this breaking story from reporter Malte Humpert? #shadowfleet #Russia #sanctions highnorthnews.com/en/russian-lng…
As #Russia continues to expand its liquefied natural #gas shadow fleet to bypass #sanctions, maritime safety in the #Arctic is increasingly falling by the wayside. #LNG #oil #shadowfleet Université de Montréal #NRS #northernsearoute #yamallng #arcticlng2 highnorthnews.com/en/safety-take…
#Kommentar: På tross av #sanksjoner fraktes fortsatt store mengder russisk #gass langs kysten av Nord-Norge. Ofte av gamle skip som verken er registrert eller forsikret. En russisk #skyggeflåte. Arne O. Holm #Russland #arktis #debatt #meninger #havari highnorthnews.com/nb/en-naturkat…
– De siste ti årene har verden blitt farligere og mer uforutsigbar. Den gode nyheten er at NATO er sterkere, sier avtroppende generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg (65), som er på sitt siste offisielle møte i #Norge som #NATO-sjef. #arktis #sikkerhetspolitikk highnorthnews.com/nb/avtroppende…
For the first time U.S. Air Force fighter jets and German #eurofighter jets have proved their ability to use #European highways as runways. The historic landings happened in the #Finnish #Arctic close to the #Russian border. NATO USAFE-AFAFRICA Team Luftwaffe highnorthnews.com/en/nato-fighte…
#Russia hardly wants a large-scale war with NATO, believes researcher Andreas Østhagen. On Thursday and Friday, international politicians, scientists and #Arctic experts will meet in Oslo to discuss security in the High #North. Fridtjof Nansen Institute High North Center highnorthnews.com/en/could-there…
#Newsletter: Although it is considered unlikely that #Russia will go to war with NATO, we who live in the north should be prepared, says researchers. We continue to follow Russia's circumvention of the economic sanctions. Here is the latest from the north highnorthnews.com/en/are-we-ready
Follow the #Arctic Security Conference 2024 here, where HNNs Arne O. Holm and Astri Edvardsen joins the press debate. Fridtjof Nansen Institute High North Center youtube.com/live/OUa2Gy_Ae… via YouTube
Despite the #EU’s efforts to phase out imports of #Russian #LNG, the #gas from the #Arctic continues to flow unabated into the continent. Imports have increased by 11 percent during the first half of 2024 new data show, with #Russia now the second-largest. highnorthnews.com/en/russia-stil…
Day two of the #Arctic #Security Conference streams here! #ASC24 Fridtjof Nansen Institute High North Center youtube.com/live/5Oit8vTur…
#Kommentar: Russlands #fullskalakrig mot #Ukraina har delt #Norge to. For oss som bor i #nordområdene er krigen en nabo. I den sivile delen av nordområdepolitikken finnes knapt spor av denne erkjennelsen. Fridtjof Nansen Institute High North Center Arne O. Holm #russland #arktis highnorthnews.com/nb/russlands-k…
#Comment: #Russia's full-scale #war against #Ukraine has divided #Norway in two. For us who live in the High #North, the war is a neighbor. In the civilian part of #Nordic politics, there is hardly any trace of this recognition. Arne O. Holm Fridtjof Nansen Institute highnorthnews.com/en/russias-war…