Here We Go Magic
Band. (these tweets are mostly by MB. LT tweets at @luketemplemusic)
ID: 39972662
14-05-2009 11:12:06
3,3K Tweet
6,6K Takipçi
256 Takip Edilen

Turnout among 18-29 year olds, compared to 2014 early voting: - AZ +217% - FL +131% - GA +415% (!!!) - MI +128% - NV +364% - TN +767% (!!!) - TX +448% (!!!) Data h/t: @targetsmart & Tom Bonier thehill.com/homenews/campa…

Have you heard about #WalkoutToVote? Youth Empower is part of the Future Coalition that’s organizing young people who are old enough to vote to walk out of their classrooms on Tuesday and straight to the polls.

Here We Go Magic (Here We Go Magic) frontman Luke Temple (Luke Temple) has announced a new solo album, "Both-And" on @nativecatrecs, and shared its first single, "Wounded Brightness." #LukeTemple #BothAnd #WoundedBrightness #HereWeGoMagic #NewAlbum undertheradarmag.com/news/luke_temp…

Featured album: Both-And by Luke Temple. Stream the Here We Go Magic frontman's latest solo collection of experimental folk-pop songs, out this Friday on @nativecatrecs. hypem.com/premiere/luke+…

Over the past week, we've seen a descent into Constitutional madness. The President and his team argue that any conduct is okay, as long as a president thinks it will benefit him. That's an argument of pure desperation — one you only make when you know your client is guilty.