Gerardo García Rivas
Investigador en bioquímica y fisiología cardiovascular (SNI 3) Formador de médicos científicos, director de investigación traslacional de @TecSaludMX
ID: 1468310394750259200
07-12-2021 20:04:31
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283 Takip Edilen
Read the full paper in OA here:… Thank you Institute for Obesity Research Gerardo García Rivas for the support!
Very pleased to participate at 32nd International Materials Research Congress 2024. Institute for Obesity Research , Unidad de Bioingeniería y Dispositivos Médicos Tecnológico de Monterrey Gerardo García Rivas
Latest publication from the lab. Thanks Heart Foundation for supporting this research. SVIResearch Jarmon Lees…
Don't miss it! Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu FMB UNESP Elmer Sterken TecSalud - Sistema de Salud del Tec de Monterrey Tecnológico de Monterrey SMCF Slimp RoySocMed International Science Council Australian Academy of Science National Academy of Sciences ABCiências UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 International Science Council ISC RFP - LAC Marcus • Paes 🦋 DOHaD Brasil Kerafast ACRD Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes Institut Pasteur Montevideo British Microcirc. & Vascular Biology Society
I am happy to be invited to deliver a seminar at the Annual Meeting SMCF🇲🇽 3rd September in Tlaxcala. Together with my colleagues from SMCF will share a session with Gerardo García Rivas🇲🇽 / Noemi Garcia🇲🇽 / Sonja Buvinic🇨🇱 Looking forward to this meeting!
I enjoyed the symposium organised by ALACF / IOR Tecnológico de Monterrey w/ Gerardo García Rivas Sonja Buvinic Noemi Garcia at the annual meeting of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas in Tlaxcala 🇲🇽 I thank my wonderful under and postgraduate students for generating the data on gestational diabesity
I was surprised & honoured to receive a present during the official dinner in recognition of my support for the internationalization of the Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas Thanks to the present & future governing board of the society & good new friends