Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile
Dublin Fire Appliance Watch


ID: 1150785608492732416

calendar_today15-07-2019 15:14:04

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Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB is 20 staff down today resulting in the following appliances off the road and unavailable for fire/rescue/EMS: • Dolphins barn • Tara street • Environmental unit • 3 District officers 5 staff in the control room short also. #reducedfirecoverdublin

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Today the DFB is understaffed by 15 Firefighters resulting in a fire appliance in Townsend street (HQ) and the environmental/foam unit being taken off the run. There are a number of appliances around the city turning out undermanned as well. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB is running 10 staff short today resulting in an appliance off the run in Townsend street and the environmental unit also off the road. There is also staff depletion in Donnybrook Dolphins barn Phibsboro and the emergency control room. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB is running short 4 staff today resulting in fire appliances under manned in Donnybrook Phibsboro Tallaght and Townsend street (HQ) The environmental unit is also off the run. #reducedfirecoverdublin

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DFB is short 22 staff today. Off the run: Appliance in Dún Laoghaire District Officer in Donnybrook Foam unit Hazcam unit Also turning fire engines under manned: Donnybrook Dolphins barn Phibsboro North strand Kilbarrack Tallaght Dún Laoghaire #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB are short 19 staff today. The result is the fire appliances are off the run & unavailable in: Dolphins barn North strand Townsend street Also, appliances around the city are also undermanned and responding without the agreed number of firefighters. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dublin fire Brigade are short 6 personal today after exhausting all available for overtime. As a result a fire appliance is off the run in Donnybrook and the district officer is off the run in Finglas who covers all of North county Dublin incl Airport #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB are 23 staff short today. At 9am appliances in Nutgrove and Blanch were off the run. After exhausting overtime the following are off the run for the day: Appliance in Donnybrook District officers in Donnybrook & Phibsboro Water tanker Hazmat unit #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thurs and Fri this week the DFB was fully resourced. This is due to Firefighter/Paramedics working overtime in order to achieve full staffing of all fire appliances and ambulances. This however is becoming more difficult as recruitment is still pending. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB is undermanned by 21 personal today after exhausting overtime. The consequences of this is that fire appliances are off the road in: Northstrand Townsend street Also most stations around the city are running undermanned today. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DFB running staff shortages once again today leaving fire appliances across the city undermanned which seriously affects the ability to provide a full fire, rescue and ambulance service to the citizens of Dublin city and county

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Over the past 2 days DFB has been running under manned resulting in a number of fire appliances turning out to incidents under resourced. This risks the lives of firefighters and public. The emergency control room is also short staffed today. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another day of undermanning in DFB short of 17 personal. As a result there are 3 fire appliances off the road and a number of other appliances across the city turning out undermanned again risking the lives of firefighters and the public alike. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Appliance Watch (@dublinfirewatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dfb are understaffed by 10 personnel today. As a result one appliance in Donnybrook and the foam/environmental unit (covers Airport and Docklands) are off the road today while other appliances and control room are undermanned. #reducedfirecoverdublin

Dublin Fire Brigade (@dubfirebrigade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’re looking forward to tonight’s return of the The Late Late Show on RTÉ One. We might might be making an appearance along with some friends. Don’t forget we will be at the NationalServicesDay parade and open day tomorrow too. #WillBeBetterThanTheToyShow

We’re looking forward to tonight’s return of the <a href="/RTELateLateShow/">The Late Late Show</a> on <a href="/RTEOne/">RTÉ One</a>. We might might be making an appearance along with some friends. Don’t forget we will be at the <a href="/NatServicesDay/">NationalServicesDay</a> parade and open day tomorrow too. #WillBeBetterThanTheToyShow
Dublin Fire Brigade (@dubfirebrigade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band are warming up for their performance in Dublin City Hall as part of #CultureNight. We are honoured that they were invited to play and are expecting magnificent acoustics in this fantastic venue. Due to play at 8.15pm #CultureNight2019

The <a href="/DFBPipeBand/">Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band</a> are warming up for their performance in <a href="/DublinCityHall/">Dublin City Hall</a> as part of #CultureNight. We are honoured that they were invited to play and are expecting magnificent acoustics in this fantastic venue. Due to play at 8.15pm #CultureNight2019
Dublin Fire Brigade (@dubfirebrigade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band assembled to pay tribute to DFB staff, frontline and essential services and all struggling during #Covid19Ireland. You can see the full video here youtu.be/j-XANtYlv9I. "If we can winter this out we can summer anywhere" - Séamus Heaney #HoldFirm #leChéile