Cristiana Riboni
@it_surg | @eurosurg | @globalpaedsurg
ID: 1123677030997004289
01-05-2019 19:54:15
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From the #GlobalPaedSurg study published in The Lancet, the below figure shows the all-cause in hospital mortality for each congenital anomaly in by country income. #globalsurgery #globalhealth Naomi Wright UNICEF World Health Organization (WHO) SDGs Kids Operating Room GICS GlobalSurg

We're now approaching MANCTRA-1 Study deadline! Thanks to your continuous effort, MANCTRA-1 is becoming the largest study ever on acute biliary pancreatitis: 305 Registered Centers 53 Participating Countries and...2.712 patients enrolled to date! #jointhemanctrateam Mauro Podda

Can't wait to chat with the founder of the world's first global surgery journal The Journal Of Global Surgery (ONE) Don't forget to join our special session on Saturday 2pm to 4pm GMT! Register here:us02web.zoom.us/meeting/regist… We will discuss this paper as well:jogs.one/JoGS_1136/ All interactive!

Join us for Oxford Surgical Grand Rounds online: Naomi Wright Naomi Wright Fri 29 Oct 8-9am 'The Global PaedSurg study on congenital anomalies and action to improve neonatal surgical outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) globally' nds.ox.ac.uk/events/surgica…

Oxford Surgical Grand Rounds Fri 29 Oct Naomi Wright Naomi Wright: 'Global PaedSurg study on congenital anomalies and action to improve neonatal surgical outcomes LMICs globally' + update from Shobhana Nagraj Grace Drury on Oxford Global Surgery Course nds.ox.ac.uk/events/surgica…

Call for Applications! RCSI/COSECSA RCSI COSECSA collaboration programme aims to strengthen the research activities in the region. Grant of $3,000 to be provided to implement the proposed research selected Click the link below for more details! bit.ly/3unDsiw

Over 270 Registrations from more than 65 countries Become a Collaborator and Author - Starting 1st April join us! bit.ly/HOLDstudy_join - A TUGS Multinational Audit | tugsglobal.com/hold #Gastric #cancer #globalhealth TUGSS TUGS Multinational Audits TUGS_HOLD Gastric Cancer

Probably the best introductory text on modern statistical learning I have read so far. Great for non-economists (like me) too. Highly recommended h/t scott cunningham doi.org/10.1146/annure…

...and the first results are now available thanks to Ramon leadership! EUROPEAN PAEDIATRIC SURGEONS’ ASSOCIATION ERNICA ERN eUROGEN sciencedirect.com/science/articl…