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CHAI Project


Cardiovascular Health effects of Air pollution in Telangana India

ID: 4339514475

link calendar_today01-12-2015 12:09:30

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Otavio Ranzani (@otavio_ranzani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to share our new article on @IJEeditorial: Ambient and HAP pollution x Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) in India CHAI Project ⬆️Highest average ambient PM2.5 so far ❎Gender-specific associations ⬆️Higher magnitude on those at higher CVD risk…

Happy to share our new article on @IJEeditorial:
Ambient and HAP pollution x Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) in India <a href="/chaiproject/">CHAI Project</a> 

⬆️Highest average ambient PM2.5 so far
❎Gender-specific associations
⬆️Higher magnitude on those at higher CVD risk…
Uttara Varma (@uttaravarmatoi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Air pollution linked to thickness of arteries | Hyderabad News - Times of India #Telangana #Hyderabad #pollution… Otavio Ranzani

The Quint (@thequint) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Opinion | "Delhi’s deteriorating air quality is quite typically a ‘wicked’ problem with multiple agencies responsible for it, a plethora of causes of emissions that differ according to the weather, etc," writes Bahar Dutt.…

ISGlobal (@isglobalorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new study by CHAI Project, performed in a periurban area in southern #India, shows that people most exposed to #AirPollution have a higher #CIMT index, which means they are at higher risk of developing #CardiovascularDiseases ➡️

A new study by <a href="/chaiproject/">CHAI Project</a>, performed in a periurban area in southern #India, shows that people most exposed to #AirPollution have a higher #CIMT index, which means they are at higher risk of developing #CardiovascularDiseases

CHAI Project (@chaiproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

La Vanguardia coverage (in Spanish) of recent CHAI paper in Int J Epi linking particulate air pollution and intima media thickness of the carotid artery… Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne @carles_milagarc Julian Marshall

ISGlobal (@isglobalorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new study by the CHAI Project published in JAMA Network Open associates #AirPollution with a higher risk to develop #osteoporosis 📎 #BoneHealth #Hyderabad #India Cathryn Tonne Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc

A new study by the <a href="/chaiproject/">CHAI Project</a> published in <a href="/JAMANetworkOpen/">JAMA Network Open</a> associates #AirPollution with a higher risk to develop #osteoporosis


#BoneHealth #Hyderabad #India <a href="/cathryn_tonne/">Cathryn Tonne</a> <a href="/otavio_ranzani/">Otavio Ranzani</a> @carles_milagarc
UChicago EPIC India (@epic_india) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new study from ISGlobal on India talks about how #AirPollution can worsen bone health thereby associating this problem with a higher risk to develop osteoporosis. 2 min read: CHAI Project Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne Dr Maria Neira Aishwarya

A new study from <a href="/ISGLOBALorg/">ISGlobal</a> on India talks about how #AirPollution can worsen bone health thereby associating this problem with a higher risk to develop osteoporosis.

2 min read:
<a href="/chaiproject/">CHAI Project</a> <a href="/otavio_ranzani/">Otavio Ranzani</a> <a href="/cathryn_tonne/">Cathryn Tonne</a> <a href="/DrMariaNeira/">Dr Maria Neira</a> <a href="/AishwaryaSudhir/">Aishwarya</a>
CHAI Project (@chaiproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted to see CHAI paper on air pollution and carotid intima media thickness on list of Best of IJE 2019 for most impact💫… Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc Julian Marshall Cathryn Tonne ISGlobal

Julian Marshall (@marshalljulian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc Cathryn Tonne CHAI Project and co-authors: CHAI paper on air pollution and intima media thickness on list of "Best of IJE 2019"!…

CHAI Project (@chaiproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Increasing built-up land use associated with higher cardiometabolic risk factors in rapidly urbanizing area of South India. CHAI Project paper in Environmental Health Perspectives with @carles_milagarc Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne + others.

Increasing built-up land use associated with higher cardiometabolic risk factors in rapidly urbanizing area of South India. <a href="/chaiproject/">CHAI Project</a> paper in <a href="/EHPonline/">Environmental Health Perspectives</a> with @carles_milagarc <a href="/otavio_ranzani/">Otavio Ranzani</a> <a href="/cathryn_tonne/">Cathryn Tonne</a> + others.
CHAI Project (@chaiproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

High 🌡️in S India. Important to identify who is most at risk. We found housing characteristics, time working in agriculture + commuting predict daytime personal air temp.… @carles_milagarc Adna Curto sreekanth vakacherla Julian Marshall Cathryn Tonne

High 🌡️in S India. Important to identify who is most at risk. We found housing characteristics, time working in agriculture + commuting predict daytime personal air temp.… @carles_milagarc <a href="/adna_otti/">Adna Curto</a> <a href="/jyosreekanth/">sreekanth vakacherla</a> <a href="/MarshallJulian/">Julian Marshall</a> <a href="/cathryn_tonne/">Cathryn Tonne</a>
ISGlobal (@isglobalorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Urban development leading to a reduction in #GreenSpace 🌿shown to be associated with an increase in several cardiometabolic risk factors. New #ISGlobal & CHAI Project study published in Environmental Health Perspectives 👇 cc Cathryn Tonne @carles_milagarc Fundación ”la Caixa”

ISGlobal (@isglobalorg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A study by CHAI Project contributes new evidence about the impact of #AirPollution on cardiovascular health ➡ The results, published in Environment International, showed that polluted air increases the risk of vascular damage cc Cathryn Tonne Otavio Ranzani…

Cathryn Tonne (@cathryn_tonne) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still publishing from CHAI Project. Ambient PM2.5 and biomass cooking fuel use associated with lower lung function in young adults in peri-urban India. With Otavio Ranzani @cmilagarc JudithGarciaAymerich Julian Marshall and more.…