CHAI Project
Cardiovascular Health effects of Air pollution in Telangana India
ID: 4339514475
http://www.chaiproject.org 01-12-2015 12:09:30
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Kalpana Balakrishnan, SRU, CHAI Project collaborator delivers inspiring overview of HAP mitigation in India as keynote #ISEE2019

Coverage of recent CHAI paper on link between ambient particulate air pollution and blood pressure in Research Matters tinyurl.com/y3kg73kx

Happy to share our new article on @IJEeditorial: Ambient and HAP pollution x Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) in India CHAI Project ⬆️Highest average ambient PM2.5 so far ❎Gender-specific associations ⬆️Higher magnitude on those at higher CVD risk academic.oup.com/ije/advance-ar…

Air pollution linked to thickness of arteries | Hyderabad News - Times of India #Telangana #Hyderabad #pollution timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad… Otavio Ranzani

Opinion | "Delhi’s deteriorating air quality is quite typically a ‘wicked’ problem with multiple agencies responsible for it, a plethora of causes of emissions that differ according to the weather, etc," writes Bahar Dutt. thequint.com/voices/opinion…

A new study by CHAI Project, performed in a periurban area in southern #India, shows that people most exposed to #AirPollution have a higher #CIMT index, which means they are at higher risk of developing #CardiovascularDiseases ➡️ ow.ly/aHJh30pR5Ol

La Vanguardia coverage (in Spanish) of recent CHAI paper in Int J Epi tinyurl.com/uenxynr linking particulate air pollution and intima media thickness of the carotid artery lavanguardia.com/vida/20191108/… Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne @carles_milagarc Julian Marshall

A new study by the CHAI Project published in JAMA Network Open associates #AirPollution with a higher risk to develop #osteoporosis 📎ow.ly/RJbc30q6AwU #BoneHealth #Hyderabad #India Cathryn Tonne Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc

A new study from ISGlobal on India talks about how #AirPollution can worsen bone health thereby associating this problem with a higher risk to develop osteoporosis. 2 min read: bit.ly/39N8rIc CHAI Project Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne Dr Maria Neira Aishwarya

Delighted to see CHAI paper on air pollution and carotid intima media thickness on list of Best of IJE 2019 for most impact💫 academic.oup.com/ije/pages/the_… Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc Julian Marshall Cathryn Tonne ISGlobal

Congratulations Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc Cathryn Tonne CHAI Project and co-authors: CHAI paper on air pollution and intima media thickness on list of "Best of IJE 2019"! academic.oup.com/ije/pages/the_…

Street play on sources of air pollution exposure and how to reduce it. Collaboration between CHAI, PLANETG, Shivani Mathur Gaiha now on youtube.

Increasing built-up land use associated with higher cardiometabolic risk factors in rapidly urbanizing area of South India. CHAI Project paper in Environmental Health Perspectives with @carles_milagarc Otavio Ranzani Cathryn Tonne + others. doi.org/10.1289/EHP5445

High 🌡️in S India. Important to identify who is most at risk. We found housing characteristics, time working in agriculture + commuting predict daytime personal air temp. doi.org/10.1016/j.scit… @carles_milagarc Adna Curto sreekanth vakacherla Julian Marshall Cathryn Tonne

Using predicted personal exposure to integrate across particle sources in epidemiological analyses of vascular damage. New CHAI Project paper with Otavio Ranzani @carles_milagarc Julian Marshall Cathryn Tonne

Urban development leading to a reduction in #GreenSpace 🌿shown to be associated with an increase in several cardiometabolic risk factors. New #ISGlobal & CHAI Project study published in Environmental Health Perspectives 👇 cc Cathryn Tonne @carles_milagarc Fundación ”la Caixa” ow.ly/t5rv30qEXan

A study by CHAI Project contributes new evidence about the impact of #AirPollution on cardiovascular health ➡ The results, published in Environment International, showed that polluted air increases the risk of vascular damage cc Cathryn Tonne Otavio Ranzani isglobal.org/en/-/la-exposi…

Still publishing from CHAI Project. Ambient PM2.5 and biomass cooking fuel use associated with lower lung function in young adults in peri-urban India. With Otavio Ranzani @cmilagarc JudithGarciaAymerich Julian Marshall and more. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…