Brayden Burton
hudl.com/profile/162328… -6’2 283 2025- OG-C Buford Highschool - 3.0 GPA -FBU TopGun -NCAA ID 2408391706 -ph 502-338-7921
ID: 1560685930343718914
19-08-2022 17:51:52
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2025 OL Brayden Burton is a verified 3 star player from Buford HS in GA. D1 level kid coaches should follow. #hsfootball #cfbplayoff #cfbplayoffs Brayden Burton

Time to get paid tomorrow 🔰🐺⏳Coach Davis Bryant Appling Rivals Buford Football Buford Athletics Buford Prospects @mfarellsports Recruit Georgia

Tonight’s captains vs. the Cadets 🫡: Kenyon Rivera // Cooper Berry AJ Holloway#10 Class of 2025 // Brayden Burton #Gloryland | #AppEra

A few clips from this past game, Ended with a win now get to enjoy the bye week. Buford Football Coach Davis Bryant Appling Mike Farrell Rivals Northeast Georgia Recruits Recruit Georgia On3 Recruits Buford Athletics Buford Prospects