Amaia Orbea
ID: 2474156126
02-05-2014 15:09:31
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Gaur Itsasmuseum Bilbao BASQUEENVIRONMENTANDOCEANWEEK.COM kutsadura kimikoa eta entitate berriak: gure planeta plastikotan ito da?. PiE-UPV/EHU, UPV/EHU eta AZTI ko hizlariak elkarrekin eta euskaraz!! 15:30-19:30.

Un lago canadiense será el enclave que marque el inicio del Antropoceno. Nueva aportación/Ekarpen berria The Conversation ES Alejandro Cearreta UPV/EHU ZTF-FCT BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change EHUalumni theconversation.com/un-lago-canadi… via The Conversation ES

More news in the press about the EMBLtrec expedition visit to the Basque Coast PiE-UPV/EHU and EMBRC-Spain this Sept and October. Una misión científica europea explorará los ecosistemas _la costa vizcaina deia.eus/bizkaia/2023/0… a través de DEIA

I can believe it is finished! Thank you #Primo22 for such a week!! Fiera Project PiE-UPV/EHU Université de Bordeaux

@ENSURE2project Last week we presented our results on the toxicity assessment of polyurethane nanoparticle supspensions at PRIMO22 meeting (Nantes, France). ZTF-FCT PiE-UPV/EHU UPV/EHU

🚩🏁EHU Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2024 Lehen eguna, Lehendakariaren harrera. Agintea hartu zuenetik, gurera, lehen aldia. Eta gu pozarren! UPV/EHU Université de Bordeaux DIPC TECNALIA Ikerbasque Euroregion_NAEN Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco Languages Lanean

Part of the Fiera Project and #LTCAquEus team that met in the frame of the #EHUEuskampusBordeauxEguna Congrats to all the team for the great achievements in deciphering tha fate and impact of #microplastics and #nanoplastics Euskampus UPV/EHU PiE-UPV/EHU Université de Bordeaux