American Academy of Apathetic Pediatrics
Tell Me You Don't Care About Children Under 5 Without Telling Me You Don't Care About Children Under 5 (a parody of the AAP)
ID: 1515544201278197760
17-04-2022 04:18:10
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This is fantastic! It's been a real grind trying to figure out how to follow up our groundbreaking American Academy of Pediatrics Tweet re: <5 data review between our PAS sessions, but it looks like those heroes ImmunizeUnder5s started the MD/DO Letter to the FDA for us! Thanks, guys! ❤️❤️❤️
MD's/DO's: Cat got your professional organization's tongue? Looks like you can DM @MB_MD_FAAP or ImmunizeUnder5s to sign the MD/DO letter to the FDA for speedy review of Moderna data for the 18M+ under 5s waiting on COVID vaccines. Amy Dash American Academy of Pediatrics #ImmunizeUnder5
A lot of people are talking about vaccines for young kids, but we believe six-month-olds who want COVID vaccines should speak for themselves! If you are under 5 and a voting, emancipated minor, send a crayon drawing to Dr. Robert M. Califf, Mark Del Monte, JD, & Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD, FAAP ImmunizeUnder5s
In response to growing smoke alarm hesitancy and anti-water sentiment, the International Association of Fire Fighters has decided not to ruffle feathers by advocating extinguishing flaming 4-year-olds. Five and up still get fire services. We feel validated. ImmunizeUnder5s
Pediatricians know that kids under 5 should have access to COVID vaccines. Parents know...even kids know. Is it *really* necessary for the preeminent national organization of pediatricians to, like, talk about it? Asking for a friend ImmunizeUnder5s American Academy of Pediatrics Mark Del Monte, JD
We're excited to introduce our new series: AAP's UNDER-5 COVID ADVOCACY PROFILES IN COURAGE #1 [Ed note: fill in this space before tweeting] --- For more inspirational stories, follow Mark Del Monte, JD Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD, FAAP American Academy of Pediatrics ImmunizeUnder5s
COVID Q&A: Q: Why would having just one COVID vaccine for kids under 5 be confusing? A: Regulators are probably comparing to MMR, Hep B, chicken pox, and DTaP, where having a single option causes ... uh, constant, complete pandemonium. ImmunizeUnder5s Mark Del Monte, JD Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD, FAAP
This is exactly the transparent, fallacy-free, coherent, scientifically grounded thinking we rely upon from Puffer Murks and which guides our own messaging and strong H2O advocacy here at the Academy American Academy of Pediatrics Mark Del Monte, JD Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD, FAAP ImmunizeUnder5s Betrayed Billy. Drink up!
We welcome this submission to our Kids & Advocacy collection we'll be displaying at the next AAP NCE! @mamofdragoats we think your little one has what it takes to join our Academy someday along with Betrayed Billy ImmunizeUnder5s #ImmunizeUnder5
ImmunizeUnder5s Here is a form to make it easier to submit information on <5 vaccines in the United States. This form will collect your email address so that you can go back and edit your response(s) as more information becomes available:…
Thank you for this excellent piece, Katherine J. Wu, Ph.D.. Parents at ImmunizeUnder5s are looking forward to the vaccine. Note—we have concerns about access, esp. for 2-shot Moderna that would let kids be “fully” vaxxed before next school year, & esp. bc pharmacies don’t vax kids < 3.
Oooooh ... was *this* all the hubbub ImmunizeUnder5s kept talking about, writing letters to the FDA and talking to Congress and whatnot? Well this does seem kind of sinister, doesn't it. American Academy of Pediatrics