Alexander Horn
Leader of Emmy Noether Research Group "Varieties of Egalitarianism: Mapping the Politics of Inequality" @EXCInequality. Formerly @AarhusUni @EuropeAtHarvard
ID: 1177044070721642496
http://voe-project.org 26-09-2019 02:16:27
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🚨New publication Research & Politics If you apply quantitative text analysis to legislative text data, you might be interested in my new article "Mind the context! The role of theoretical concepts for analyzing legislative text data" 🔓Open Access: doi.org/10.1177/205316…

(how) did radical right parties resposition themselves when it comes to economic equality and redistribution? And how does that link to voter's status? At #APSA24 I pitch a paper with Matthias Enggist 2pm, Marriot 408. get the draft at voe-project.org

Analyzing equality positions and policies of cabinets 1970-2020, we show HOW EGALITARIAN PARTIES PURSUE EQUALITY YET EVADE REDISTRIBUTION that inflicts concentrated costs on the most affluent voters APSA Section on Class and Inequality 2pm, w Leo Ahrens #APSA2024 Paper at voe-project.org

Very happy to share my (very first!) paper with Marius R. Busemeyer and Tobias F. Tober published now at Regulation & Governance: "Digitalization and the green transition: Different challenges, same policy responses?" 🧵Here's a summary thread... 1/8

Hi friends! Can you point me to papers / in class exercises for changing students' beliefs about their peers' ideological leaning / policy preferences? Key words: preference falsification / polarization / university - classroom experience. Thanks! Vicente Valentim

Great summary of Daniel Treisman’s “Democracy by Mistake” paper! asteriskmag.com/issues/05/demo…

📚 Our book on the transformation of the Left in emerging knowledge societies is out 📚 OPEN ACCESS tinyurl.com/ahuxx6d6 🧵 on key findings. Today: the voters @IPZ @UZH Cambridge University Press - Politics 1/9

🌟We are hiring!🌟 Two PhD Positions with Wouter van der Brug, Armen Hakhverdian and me in our new NWO Funding project 'Social Policy Preferences, Vote Choice and Trust'. Join our large and interdisciplinary team of social scientists at the AISSR vacatures.uva.nl/UvA/job/Two-Ph…

Running a survey? Wondering if you should include a “don’t know” response option in your policy preference questions? In our new PSRM Journal paper, Christopher Wlezien and me examine the consequences of the DK option for (various) estimates of public opinion cambridge.org/core/journals/… 1/n

Haben sich die linken Parteien in Deutschland von ihrer traditionellen Agenda entfremdet? Ein Forschungsteam unter Leitung des #UniKonstanz Politics of Inequality Politikwissenschaftlers Alexander Horn überprüfte diese These anhand der Wahlprogramme seit 1970. t1p.de/8t0zd

🚨JOB ALERT🚨 👉European Research Council (ERC) Project DEMOLAW 🏦Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen (zeppelin universität) 🤓Public Policy, Comp. Text Analysis, R/Python, #NLProc ⏰3+1 years 📆Deadline: 05/11/2024 🎓Postdoc: short.sg/j/49273108 🎓Predoc: short.sg/j/49278053 ❗️Please share

Dass insbesondere Arbeiter/-innen AfD wählen, ist Symptom einer sozialen Krise des Parteiensystems. Mitte-links-Parteien verpassen es, der Alltagskritik von Arbeitenden eine Stimme zu geben. So Linda Beck und ich in der neuen SPW - Magazin der SPD-Linken im Rückgriff auf eine gemeinsame Studie.

... 🗓 am Donnerstag Morgen Mit Marius R. Busemeyer ➡️Individual ideology & biased perceptions of income (CC Nathalie Giger ) präsentieren 📍 im #dvpw2024 Panel von Alexander Horn CC Julian Garritzmann Bastian Becker 4/5