Toxicology UEF
MSc programme in General Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, UEF. Follow for #Toxicology #Pharmacology #Research Tweets in Finnish and English.
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http://www.uef.fi/en/web/gtg 17-05-2016 07:51:32
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Researchers from #toxuef and UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy participated in study on #PXR, #glucose metabolism and #NAFLD published in Molecular Metabolism EDCMET EURION sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Check out a poster by doctoral researcher Wadzanai Masvosva on alcohol use during #pregnancy associated changes in the metabolome of first trimester blood samples #esbra2023 #metabolomics #alcohol Toxicology UEF UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy

Doctoral researcher Wadzanai Masvosva won a ESBRA SOCIETY travel award and got an opportunity to present her #metabolomics research on alcohol use during #pregnancy ! Toxicology UEF UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy

Ovatko tatuointimusteet turvallisia? Huomenta Suomi -haastattelu: mtv.fi/sarja/huomenta… Projektin tulokset julkaistiin toukokuussa: tukes.fi/-/tukes-testau… Turvallisuus- ja kemikaalivirasto (Tukes) #tatuointi

Sähkösavukkeet eivät ole vaarattomia! Lue emeritaprofessorimme haastattelu aiheesta. #toxuef UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy yle.fi/a/74-20054291

UEF toxicology is the leader in the project entitled “From toxicity to safety”, funded by Team Finland Knowledge Programme 2023 call. #toxuef UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy

EU grants 8 million euros funding for a research project coordinated by Professor Jaana Rysä to study the metabolic effects of environmental chemicals #toxuef #edc #HorizonEU UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy uef.fi/en/article/eu-…

Just published our observations on metabolic effects of nuclear receptor activation in vivo after 28-day oral exposure to three #EDCs in #ArchToxicol Nice collaboration between research facilities A.I. Virtanen Institute Toxicology UEF University of Oulu Wageningen U&R EDCMET Horizon Europe🇪🇺 link.springer.com/article/10.100…

#farmaseutti #proviisori #farmasisti #kesäsijaisuus #kesätyö #myrkkäriläinen #huslainen #yfk #fortis HUS Helsingin yliopistollinen sairaala Toxicology UEF University of Helsinki ejnv.fa.em2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/Candidat…

Kiinnostaako #toksikologia’n opiskelu? Tule juttelemaan #uef toksikologian asiantuntijoiden kanssa #ChemBioFinland #toxuef UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy

Katriina Sunnarborg presenting her research on diisocyanate exposure related alterations in the plasma #metabolome at the Nordic #Metabolomics Societyn meeting in Turku #NMetC2024 Toxicology UEF UEF_Farmasia School of Pharmacy Työterveyslaitos Nordic Metabolomics Society

Today we welcomed the new students for the international Master's degree programme in Toxicology. We had some great conversations. Best of luck with your studies! #toxicology Toxicology UEF University of Eastern Finland