Towfique Raj
Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | @Gates_Cambridge Alum | Previously: @Cambridge_Uni | @broadinstitute, @harvardmed |@DrexelUniv.
ID: 885850200
http://rajlab.org 17-10-2012 02:25:47
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I'm excited to share that our new paper on modeling Alzheimer's disease was published today in Science Magazine . I'm extremely grateful for the tremendous support and guidance from my mentor, Dr. Andrew Yoo WashUDevBio WashU Center of Reg Med and fantastic coauthors.science.org/doi/10.1126/scā¦,

A Sunday read for you. In this week's post, I write about tau protein in Alzheimer's and the recent preprint from D. Chloe Chung, PhD et al. on the "Big tau" and its impressive resistance to Alzheimer's pathology, hinting an exciting therapeutic path forward. gwasstories.com/p/the-big-tau-ā¦

Challenging dogma on Alzheimer's disease and beta-amyloid production: the role of oligodendrocytes Now 2 reports journals.plos.org/plosbiology/arā¦ PLOS Biology Marc Aurel Busche Rikesh Rajani UK Dementia Research Institute UCL nature.com/articles/s4159ā¦ Nature Neuroscience Andrew Octavian Sasmita Klaus-Armin Nave

Congratulations to TatsuhikoNaito for receiving BrightFocus Foundation grant! His project titled āDecoding #Alzheimerās Disease Genomes With Deep Learningā. Co-mentored with David A Knowles (@davidaknowles.bsky.social) #ADSP #AI #MachineLearning #LoebCenter Friedman Brain Institute Mount Sinai Genetics NY Genome Center

Our commentary (with Alex Sasse Alexander Sasse and Maria Chikina Maria Chikina ) on past and future of sequence-to-function deep genomics models is online Nature Methods : nature.com/articles/s4159ā¦ Along with many thoughtful Comment Articles online today: nature.com/nmeth/articlesā¦

š§µ Excited to share my first preprint from my PhD Kipnis Lab and The Colonna Lab: "Brain-Engrafted Monocyte-derived Macrophages from Blood and Skull-Bone Marrow Exhibit Distinct Identities from Microglia." š§ š¦“ biorxiv.org/content/10.110ā¦

What causes PSP? Hadley Ressler's elegant new paper strongly supports evidence that 4Rtau mRNA synthesis going up is potentially a major driver: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39154163/ Amazing work - congrats! #tau #psp The PSP Association Cure MAPT FTD CurePSP The Rainwater Charitable Foundation PSP Society of Canada Friedman Brain Institute

We've seen how plasma proteins can track brain aging and the factors that modulate it. Here's a new study using fMRI and EEG, with #AI, do that in over 5,300 participants in 15 countries. nature.com/articles/s4159ā¦ Nature Medicine