son zamanlarda sürekli kızlarla duo atmak icin salak salak triplere giren pick me oğlanların kadın oyunculara sallayıp durduğunu görüyorum iyi misiniz siz ya ?
İstediğiniz ilgiyi alamiyo musunuz :D
I remember when I would go through depressive episodes I couldn’t even see the floor of my room. Everything was a mess and I just would lay in bed. Eating properly was difficult. I pushed everyone away and thought that I was a waste of space. Depression is a silent killer
Best duo amk benim her mac mouseun salak salak gidisi @Arcyvl ın pcnin kapanısları JKGSDFDFJHKNLDFG bizim immoya cikis maclarin esgal. bahtimizi..........